Max and Scarlett

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The whole day has passed by, and it's getting close to night time. Inside of an ordinary house in the neighborhood, is a pale 4'9 short chubby teen with purple hair, who was just finishing up his dinner. He was having steak and peas with orange juice along, with nobody else around in the house. He was in his ordinary normal casual clothes during that time.

Max was looking at the time that says 7:00 P.M. while he was taking a sip of orange juice from the glass. Suddenly, a doorbell rang, immediately drawing his attention to the door across from the hall facing besides him.

"I'M COMING!" he exclaimed and notified, leaving his half-eaten dinner on the plate at the table. He was walking very slowly to the door in the hallway, mumbling to himself before he went to answer.

"Evil shall not finish dinner that early, especially when he's on his baby-sitting service!" he said to himself while walking. He immediately opened the door, and noticed a young couple, assuming to be in their late 20's or early 30's, holding their baby, who's wrapped around in a soft pink blanket.

"Hello! You must be Mr. Badloose!" the man greeted as he held out his thick hand, with his sausage fingers lining up closely against each other.

"Evil does not shake, I MEAN, it's very nice to meet you, sir! I'd be more than glad to take care of your precious little baby girl!" Max replied, and coughed while correcting himself, as he also joined his own hand to the man's hand, and gave him a proper handshake as a greeting.

"Also, please call me Max! Evil does not want to be called by his last name! Uh, I mean...just call me Max, please!" the purple-haired guy properly added and corrected himself once again, not wanting to expose his love for his evil passion in front of the couple and the baby. It was a few seconds of awkward silence before Max made another clarification to conceal his true love for evil.

"Sorry, the evil thing just came from...uhhh...a play! You know, I was just practicing saying 'evil does not', and all that! I was actually playing as a...the evil bad guy! In a princess play though! Haha..." he explained more, yet the couple was still looking at Max more oddly. Another awkward silence. Just then, the young woman, who was holding the baby, smiled in relief.

"Oh! Well that makes sense! I'm sure you're really good with little children, Max, and I think you can take care of our daughter, Christina, just fine!" the young woman replied, when she bent her knees down, and gently handed the little baby girl to Max.

Right when Max claimed the baby from the woman, his dark pupils grew to puppy eyes, when he began to cuddle the baby, and started tickling her stomach with his pale index finger, and looked at the baby, Christina, in an awing manner.

"How's my little little little minion doing?! Is she being a good girl for listening to her parents?! Oh I bet she is! You're such a precious little baby!" he spoke to the baby in front of the couple, who was giving Max a huge smile and an 'awwww' expression while watching him treat their daughter in a very pleasant way.

"Aww well look at you! I think you and Christina are gonna work out just fine! My husband and I will be back in a few hours after spending some time together at a fancy restaurant, okay Max?" the woman replied, and notified the baby-sitter. Max nodded in agreement, not replying to the couple still standing in front of him.

Just then, Max closed the door with one of his hands, still holding onto Christina with his puppy eyes still staring at her. Christina has big blue eyes that Max couldn't ever resist, and a lock of blonde hair peaking out of the pink blanket wrapped around the baby. The blonde lock was resting on her apricot-skin forehead as she was slightly giggling at Max.

"My my my, you would make an adorable great evil minion, little Christina! Yes you would! Ohhhh yes you would, my little evil darling!" he spoke more, and tickled the baby's stomach after closing the door. Baby Christina giggled even more from Max's treatment toward her, while he was walking in the hallway, on his way back to the dinner table.

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