It's Almost About Time

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"So yeah... That's the main reason why a lot of people find me as some sort of villainous jerk... They're just judgmental if you ask me!" said Topher, who was still in the middle of conversing with Ella. They were still sitting at the same table alone while Topher was finishing up the desserts on his plate.

There was another casual soft rock song playing in the room. It has been exactly forty-five minutes ever since the princess and the former fanboy have engaged in a huge conversation where they were able to get to know each other better. Ella has frowned after Topher has got done concluding another story that he's told Ella, specifically about his life in high school. She was sympathizing at the fact that he's never had the best days in high school since she's also one of the teens herself who has been bullied before.

"I'm very sorry to hear about everything, Topher. I know a lot of people can be very harsh on others, and it just got me wondering why some of them were always this way! You know, I've always believed that happiness is the best medicine for every single human being on earth. I've thought that I can bring happiness by singing for everyone! Some of them take it quite well, though some others don't seem to be very fond of it... which makes me wonder... could I have actually bring others more pain when I sing...?" she replied, letting out a slight sigh at the end of her sentence, feeling like she's losing a bit of hope for her future.

Topher looked at Ella a bit, though he's taking some time to think of what he should exactly say since he wants to require his own honesty in his comment, nothing negative in particular. Just a reason why some people were not very fond of hearing her sing. He tucked his own lips in his mouth as he narrowed his green eyes back at the bits of food he has left on his plate.

"Well..." he began to speak, thinking of a way to reply without getting Ella possibly overwhelmed with the words he wants to say. Ella looked at him curiously when he spoke, then Topher has looked back at her again. So now, they're looking at each other.

"You know...Ella... It's just you have a...very powerful singing voice! Not that it's a bad thing of course! Maybe the people who weren't keen of you singing were jealous or something. I mean, I used to sing back in my older days, back when I was thirteen years old or something. I used to write songs, but they were pretty personal, so I don't wanna talk too much about it...but seem like the kind of person I would see on a singing talent show!" Topher finally replied, still looking at the princess when he's talked.

Ella's pink lips started smiling after hearing such kind compliment from the former aspiring host. She can also feel the sense of blush appearing on her cheeks since she rarely gets compliments from anyone, especially guys. She bit her lip for a few seconds before she made her response.

"You really think so, Topher? And you were a song-writer before?! My, I would love to read your poetic lyrics, and listen to you sing! You must be a good singer if you love to write songs! And do you really believe that I could be on a singing talent show?!" she responded, feeling a tint of excitement in herself, knowing how amazing it would've been for Ella to audition for a singing competition. Also curious for one of Topher's secrets.

"Uhhhhmmm..." Topher spoke, as he started to blush a little bit while scratching the back of his head. He also bit his lip while trying to think of how to respond to the princess without getting her excited for almost no reason. Though, he was blushing at the fact how Ella has believed that he could be a great singer like her. He has never sung ever since the age of thirteen, so he couldn't tell how good he would be right now.

"Maybe...some other time? I really don't feel comfortable singing in middle of the room, so I hope that's understandable for you... Though, yeah! You seem like you would slay at any type of singing contest, and I can definitely tell by your positive personality...your optimism...I mean, it really goes well with the way you sing, honestly! Is that why you came on Total Drama? To show everyone your talent? I never came on to win for the most obvious part...and you don't seem like you came here for that reason either," he responded more with his honesty, though he's smiling now.

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