Dave and Sky

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It was later during the day, and in a grey two-floored neighborhood house, a workout song was bursting loudly from the radio, when someone grunted as an addition to the noise in a dark room.

There was Dave, who was doing the push ups slowly. Because of his thin arms, he can feel a lot of sweat dripping down under his light black bangs on his forehead. His eyes were closed tight, and so were his teeth, pushing himself up slowly, and then dropping himself down quickly.

He repeated the same push up routine, being able to push up slowly, and then lower down fast since he doesn't have a lot of strength in his arms. After his last push up, he exhaled loudly, and then dropped his whole stomach on the ground. The loud music was still playing, and Dave took big breaths after doing the push ups.

"Man, twenty push ups is hard! I can almost feel my arms cutting out from this!" he complained a bit, and then pushed himself up from the ground, trying to position himself to sit down on the concrete floor.

Dave straightened his arms out, and then rubbed his small biceps from the burn he felt while working out. Then he raised both of his hands in the air, trying to stretch his spine since it felt stiff from his other workout program. He grabbed a white cloth sitting on a blue chair and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his temples.

He started breathing slowly, inhaling and exhaling after his workout. He slowly got up, stood straight, cracked his spine, and then headed over to a boom box that was still bursting from the music playing.

Dave pressed the off button, silencing the boom box from playing further energetic music. He reached his hands in the air, stretching out his long spine again, while loosening the stiff muscles in his body.

Footsteps were crept slowly, attracting Dave's attention when he notices two small legs walking down the wooden steps.

"Little step-brother! I have something for you that came from the mail this morning," a slow nasal voice announced, bringing curiosity to Dave. He walked around a few areas of boxes, making his way through the stairwell the figure was using.

"What is it, Noah?! I just got done working out!" he replied, sitting down on a bottom of the step to finally relax from his daily workout.

Noah stopped at the second bottom of the step next to Dave, and held out a light purple unopened envelope near his head.

"You just got invited to some party or something, whatever. Don't bother ask what it really is since it's for you only...I'm gonna be in my room reading my new book if you need me," Noah answered as Dave claimed the lavender envelope.

After receiving his mail, Noah slowly started walking back upstairs. Dave ended up watching Noah leave until he disappeared at his own sight. He shrugged, but then he turned his head to the envelope he's holding onto.

"A party...? Why am I invited? I barely talk to anyone! That's strange!" he said to himself, ripping up the flap from the sealed envelope to get access to the invitation card.

Dear David Tanner,

We would like to invite you to the Total Drama Annual Prom coming up this Saturday, July 12th, at 8:00 P.M. We would like to apologize for not winning on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. We're interested in getting acquainted with someone who didn't win the millions! Other members from the season will be invited too, especially the winner. We will have a huge celebration during the event. Hope to see you there!

Sincerely, Mike and Zoey

His eyes widened while reading the invitation.

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