The Make Up

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"Dave?!" Sky gasped and exclaimed in shock when he appeared at her sight, who was the one who took a seat at her own table. For a while ever since prom started, Sky has never thought that Dave would actually come up to her since she remembers how mad he was after finding out that she actually had a boyfriend when they were on Pahkitew Island together. Sending him an apologetic letter was the last thing that the athlete did to keep her hopes up, and did nothing more than that. She knew she's had some feelings for him when they were on the show together, and was no longer in a relationship with Keith ever since she's returned home from the experience.

She was hoping that they would make up at some point, but she didn't think that it would actually happen since Dave seemed like the kind of guy who would hold grudges against someone who was being completely dishonest to him in the past. Now she's about to find out. Dave just sat at her table, as he crossed his arms on the table top, while looking down with a very sorrowful expression on his face.

"Hey Sky..." he quietly greeted her in a slow mood. This is the first time that they have spoken since Shawn won the millions. They've never kept any contact at all, except for the fact that Sky wrote him the letter to express how she truly felt about Dave. Both of them knew that it would be the right time to talk, and discuss something that would help them mature from the situation that they've dealt with.

It was a long silence since Dave spent the next few minutes looking down at the table since he felt very shy to look at Sky. However, Sky was the one who was looking at Dave with an average facial expression on her face. She didn't look happy, nor sad, nor mad, nor any emotion she's trying to portray. It was the mix of slight surprise with a blank face while she's noticed Dave. Heck, she even noticed how his hair grew back to it's normal self, just like how it was before he went bald in the finale.

Sky's had her arms crossed over the table too, just like Dave. Just then, he tilted his head up to her, and took a slight look at her. He still looked sad and remorse. The both of them remained looking at each other for a while more before one of them was able to break the silence. Except for the fact that a quiet R&B song was still in the middle of playing in the room.

"Hey, listen, Sky...I have something to say to you, and I know that I've been...acting like a jerk to you a while back when we were on the show, but-" Dave shook himself off and spoke before he was interrupted.

"No! Wait! I wanna say something first, Dave! This is all MY fault...I knew I shouldn't have deceived you like that when we were on that show together..." Sky quickly replied, wanting to be the first one to apologize about the past situation that the both of them have gone through. Dave looked slightly confused when Sky interrupted him for a moment. Then he quickly placed his dark tanned hand onto Sky's before she was able to say something else.

"No's actually my fault...more than it was yours..." he replied calmly. It silenced Sky, and her speaking voice was replaced with self-silence as she can feel part of herself shake a bit from the gentle touch on her olive hand by Dave. Her eyebrows curved in a curious and a concerned way while her and the germaphobe were looking at each other in peace. Dave inhaled before he spoke further from his confessions to the athlete. He slowly moved his hand away, and placed it back into his arms.

"I read your letter that other day when I got the invite... At first, I didn't want to read it since I was still a little bit mad about what happened in the finale... Then my part-brother reminded me that it was an apology note from you, and since that we're at the annual prom right now...I don't want to argue with you anymore...I don't want to stay mad at you no matter what my senses were telling me...the truth is, that the reason why I've been acting like a clingy jerk to you is because...I'm just jealous that my friends back home have girlfriends and that I don't...all of them are football players who often tease me the way that I didn't's just like I' their shadows, and I just want to show them something that...they would never expect... Plus, that's also the reason why I've auditioned for Total Drama. I just want to get away from them for a whole while and I just...I just want to prove myself that I can be strong...but pretending to be someone that I'm not just caused even more pain for you and I...I'm really sorry, Sky...I knew I shouldn't have taken advantage of how you were playing the game...I shouldn't have taken advantage of the fact how pretty, smart, and talented you are...and I'm just...pretty much nothing in anyone eyes, especially my step-brother since he doesn't really care about me that much..." he explained, which made Sky's eyes widened while getting to know Dave's depth in his story and his reasonable excuse of his actions on the show.

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