Amy and Samey

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It's still a huge normal sunny day, yet an unpleasant argument were coming from a large light blue house on the right side of the duplex. There were two loud female voices occurring in the same room that has blue walls, and the orange-pink bed that one of the twins were sitting on.

"I'm tired of being your slave, Amy! Everyday, you come into my room to tell me what to do, especially since we got home from that island! Well I'm sick of it!" exclaimed the twin without the beauty mark.

"I can make your life a misery if you don't get your butt into my room in five seconds, Sparame!" argued back the other twin, with the beauty mark, who's standing nearby the door entry.

"No! You've already made my life a living misery already, and I've had enough! You're supposed to treat me like a real sister, not your own personal identical slave! You know, you've been trying to boss me around over and over since we came back from this show, and where does that get you?! Nowhere! So leave me alone!" shouted back the other twin, who stood up from her bed, facing against the other twin that has a mole next to her eye.

Amy started walking up with a huge scary glare on her face.

"I don't care how many times I boss you around, and I don't care how many times that you're gonna tell me no, but let me tell you this! I'll always be the better twin, and I'll always be the favorite child in this family! You're just a background snot standing behind in the shadows! Our mom didn't even want you to be part of this family! She's kept you because she's not allowed to neglect you while raising your butt, Sparame! She could get arrested for that!" she replied, feeling the sting from her constipated expression, yet Samey felt worse when she's getting into that argument with her sister. Her anger grew worse.

"You will never be the better twin! I'm not jealous, and I'll never be jealous of you! I'm no Amy-wannabee, and I'm not some clone of yours! I'm me, and I matter! I don't care if anyone thinks so otherwise! Especially you, A-MEAN bossy spoiled little brat!" Samey replied, pointing her finger towards Amy's face.

"What did you just call me?!" the other twin argued more, offended while her and Samey staring at each other from face-to-face with the same amount of anger on their faces.

Before Amy was able to throw a punch at her sister, a young adult voice exclaimed, which interrupted the twins from exchanging glares for each other, and interrupted them from arguing more.

"Girls, I do not want to hear anymore argument from you two! Both of you are already grounded for a month, and if I hear anymore of yelling from upstairs when I get back, then I'm extending your punishment to two months! I'm going to the grocery store, so you two better stop bickering, or I'm gonna extend the punishment when I get back!" a female voice, assuming that it's their mom, exclaimed and notified the twins before they can hear the front door close from their mom's exit.

It was a long pause, when both of the twins have stopped arguing since they've heard their mother yelling from downstairs quite clearly. It turned into silence, when they were breathing from the heat that they've caused when Amy and Samey were still arguing with each other.

Their heads turned to the window after they've heard their mom closing the door, assuming the fact that she's left the house.

They were looking out of the window with their angry expressions still remaining on their faces. They've watched the crystal blue van driving backwards. The van was leaving the driveway.

As soon as the big car left both of Amy and Samey's sights, they began to glare at each other once again as they started huffing towards each other before one of them started going off at another once again.

"This is all your fault, Sparame! If you do as I tell you what to do, then this wouldn't have happened! I shouldn't be the one who gets grounded! Your irrelevant butt should be the one getting grounded since I'm the one who can boss you around all I want! I'm the older twin, and you're disobeying my orders!" Amy yelled, feeling mad that things are going downhill for her self-absorbed ego.

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