They're Coming Closer

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The last slow-song just started playing in the room, and all of the couples are still slow-dancing. The lighting has changed from pure golden lights, to romantic pink and red heart-shaped lighting that circulates all around the walls. It was filled with a very passionate, lovely atmosphere that brings so much warmth in the room.

The nicer blonde twin can feel the warmth and love while she was dancing with a very talented noise-making beat-boxer, who was embracing her while they're happily dancing together.

Samey was smiling just as if someone has given her the most tender hug in the world. She's currently resting her head onto Beardo's thick shoulder while they're enjoying their own time together. The sound-maker was rubbing her slim back very gently as he's smiling with passion as well.

She slowly lifted her own head from his shoulder while she began to look at Beardo in his very dark brown eyes. He began to look back at her as well after feeling her head moving up to take a close look at his face.

"What's your name?" the shy, nice twin asked, still in the middle of dancing with her partner. The beat-boxer DJ smiled a bit when she asked him the question.

"My-real-name-is-Spencer, but my nickname is Be-ar-do! That's what ev-ery-one calls me," he replied, widening Samey's teal-blue eyes from surprise.

"Oh wow! So your actual name is Spencer, but you are mostly called Beardo, right?" she inquired, still looking at him in the eyes. Beardo nodded in reply, while the two of them are still smiling.

"And your name is?" the overweight sound-maker responded, showing his white teeth when he grinned. The blonde smiled in a very shy manner, feeling stuttery to make sure she wouldn't pronounce her own name incorrectly due to the fact that she's gotten slightly used to everyone calling her by the name Amy gives her. It took her about a moment to answer him without trying to sound as awkward.

"M-m-my name is Sam-Sammy! Some people have called me Samey before, but that's not my actual name! I like to be called only Sammy. Not Samey since it's so weird and-. Uh sorry if I sound so awkward! I was rarely called by my actual name before and..yeah! My name is Sammy," she answered, and explained, while her pale cheeks were turning to a light shade of red.

"Sammy...I like that name! It reminds me of my neighbor's dog who's name is Sammy...except the dog's a guy," Beardo replied, giving the shy, awkward twin a compliment.

She smiled even more in response, while letting out a slight giggle.

"You actually seem really nice for a guy like you! I mean, I have met some other nice guys before, it's just... They were never really as interested in me as they were with my twin sister who I just hate... So much! I mean like, have you ever felt so alone before only because of someone who keeps getting your way?!" she responded, while she was slightly massaging Beardo's shoulders with her own delicate hands, keeping the conversation alive.

The DJ has made a slight frown, while he's still studying her big blue eyes.

"No, I sure have not had anyone who's tried to get in my way of becoming friends with other people. Because most of the time, I've been very lonely throughout most of my own life. And it's not because there was someone that I despise who's tried to push down my reputation at my school, at my job, or wherever I was at. It's mainly because I'm generally a shy person, and sometimes, I have issues communicating with other people. I'm really used to being lonely though since beat-boxing, making realistic sound effects, and music always keeps me happy. Though I can understand how you feel when you get lonely, Sammy. It would be nice if you have someone who would stay at your side for a very long time. Your twin sister must be a wicked pain in the neck for you to deal with," he explained and replied, adding very relating facts of the topic he and Samey are talking about.

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