Mutant Madness

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Running like a four-legged wild beast, a pale green, strange-looking mutant ran inside before noticing Shawn's briefcase laying on the table unattended, while everyone else in the room was distracted by arguments and a physical attack by Sugar, who was upset that she and her date didn't get to be selected as prom king and queen by Mike and Zoey.

The creature was dressed in a torn and very old clothing that a homeless teenager would wear out in the streets. He's wearing a light forest green hoodie that has holes in it, and a pair of blue jeans that are extremely worn out. His eyes are bloodshot red, and he has little-to-no strands of brown hair and a few darker spots on his bald head. His ears are also chipped, and his feet looked like kangaroo feet, except it's rather more sharper.

He began to hop over to the table with loud arguments coming from different voices, distant from Shawn's table to take the money case away. He grinned with his own sharp teeth as he was heading his way to claim the briefcase.

While watching the odd-looking mutant jumping onto the table, Max and Scarlett were smirking and grinning very widely, while watching the creature to do their own orders. Their eyes squinted as their eyebrows scrunched from anticipation, waiting for him to grab the money case without any notice from other prom attendants.

"C'mon, my precious little minion! You know you want the money! Go get it for mommy Scarlett, and for daddy Maxy! Go on! Go get that briefcase!" the evil wannabee spoke, treating the creature like an actual dog, which made Scarlett look at him in a very weird out manner.

"Okay...don't you think that's a little too weird, Max?! That THING is not our child! We're only using him just so nobody would suspect that it was us who took Shawn's half-spent millions," she commented, which made Max's dark eyes roll in response.

"I know he's not our child! I just like to treat some animals like actual babies! That's what I like to do for a living!" he replied in an average tone of voice, while they're still keeping their eyes out on the creature, who was still standing on top of the table, rubbing his hands together as he was glancing at the case containing half of the million dollars.

Though, right before he was able to put his light green hands on Shawn's briefcase, he began to smell some treats coming from the snack table across the room, which immediately drew his attention.

Right when he noticed a huge variety of snacks and desserts including three different flavored cakes, some candy, a huge bowl of red punch, and different flavored chips, he immediately hopped off the table and started running right towards the snack bar, while everyone else was still distracted by their own start of the chaos.

After a long period time, stuck as a mutant since Total Drama World Tour, the creature's stomach began to growl very loudly since he hasn't been able to eat proper food for the last couple of years. He had to eat fish, drink water from the lake, and eat whatever he can find in the wild to survive. Though he has never eaten real human food ever since he was mutated.

Max and Scarlett's eyes widened in circles when the creature ran towards the snack bar and started devouring the remaining treats all over the table. He began to eat a lot of candy and chunks of cakes while getting himself dipped into the red punch, making a load of mess on the bar as he made spills that stained the white table cloth.

"WHAT?!" the chubby shorty reacted angrily, witnessing the mutant craving for food rather than the money considering the fact that he's been wanting to eat properly almost as much as the millions, especially if half of them were already spent.

Scarlett face-palmed when the creature began to guzzle some of the chips after chewing on mini bits of candy from a small bowl of glass.

"Ugh! I knew this is a bad idea, Max! Now how are we supposed to get the money case thanks to your stupid minion eating out all of the food there is on the table?! You know what, I'm just gonna call in my troops. I'm not going to agree anymore of your ideas since they always backfire!" she spoke, still watching the scene going on, while disappointed at the fact that Max's plan has failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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