Mistaken Love Drama

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Samey's heart was beating fast due to slight anxiety and of course, feeling nervous about entering prom. Mostly, she was nervous about her and Rodney's date together. She placed a wide awkward smile on her face, getting ready to head into the room. Both of her hands were gripping onto the red clutch, feeling the sweat that was born between her palms. She chinned up a bit, and walked slowly to the doorway, with a loud rap song that was playing in the room.

Mike and Zoey were smiling at the blonde, watching her enter the room, wishing for her to have fun. Samey didn't bother looking at the couple since she felt shy to take a quick glance at them. She kept forcing her smile onto her face, not letting it disappear until she entered the room. Mike and Zoey were standing on the right side of the doorway, and Zoey had both of her hands on Mike's tux-sleeve arm.

"She looks pretty nervous if you ask me, Mike, but I hope she'll be alright during prom!" Zoey whispered to her tall slim boyfriend, seconds after Samey disappeared into the room. Mike's smile went wide, gazing down at his girlfriend, who's still looking as gorgeous as ever.

"She will be now that-" he replied in a quiet tone of voice before he was interrupted by a familiar female voice that was speaking to them.

"Now that what?!" another blonde chick questioned, appearing almost out of nowhere, while crossing her arms, and squinting at the couple in suspicion. Mike and Zoey looked threatened by the way she's talked, but the both of them knew who she was. She looked like someone who you can easily get confused with, when the other disappeared into the room less than a few seconds ago.

The couple remained quiet while they were looking at the familiar girl standing right in front of them. She was still waiting for one of them to answer, as she tapped her feet with curiosity. One of her eyebrows lowered, while the other rose, still studying the expression Mike and Zoey have reacted right when she appeared in front of them. The blonde girl must be assuming that they might be secretly happy that she wasn't able to attend at some point due to Samey's reasonable excuse on why she couldn't go to prom. She has sensitive ears, almost as sensitive as Samey's.

"Amy...? Is that you?" Zoey quietly asked, looking slightly fearful at the way she was looking at her, along with Mike, who looked scared at the twin too. Their lower eyelids squinted, while studying the angry face of that blonde spoiled-looking twin.

"Of course that's me! Who did you think I was?! Sparame?!" she responded in a modern rude tone of voice. Mike and Zoey still have the same expressions on their faces as before. Anxious and scared.

"But...I thought you were sick at home, Amy? That's what Sammy has told us when her, Jasmine, and Shawn have arrived. Not that we don't want you here though, which is why you're also invited to our Total Drama Annual Prom, of course!" Mike answered, not as nervous or anxious as before. Amy's eyebrows scrunch in a 'excuse me?' kind of manner, as she made a couple steps towards Mike.

"What...?! I'm not sick! I was never sick at all! My stupid, dumb, twin sister threw MY invite in the bushes just so I wouldn't go! Luckily, I just saw what she did, just so I won't have to miss the party! Now Sparame's gonna pay for this!" she explained more aggressively. Mike and Zoey's eyes widened, speechless at what Amy just said. The kind of speechless where they don't know what to say to her. They remained looking at Amy, with the awkward atmosphere surrounding them. Amy shook her head a minute later after a random silence.

"Ugh! I'm going in! I'm still glad that I made it just in time!" she concluded her quick conversation with the couple, when she ended up stomping her way inside of the ballroom. Mike and Zoey have watched the meaner twin head in, with a still-confused expression on their faces. Then they took a look at each other before they've turned their heads back to the direction, where they're going to welcome more guests to their prom.

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