The Beginning of Chaos

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The twelve guests, and Mike and Zoey, were still enjoying their time while they were getting acquainted. Even though both Max and Scarlett haven't arrived to the prom-themed reunion yet, Topher was feeling slightly suspicious about the fact that they're two of the guests who haven't attended. Ella hasn't shown any bit of worry when they were still absent, but she was still hoping that they would come without any possible trouble or incident.

Mike and Zoey have rescheduled their plans to Topher and Ella about the surprises that they're supposed to receive, and they've also decided to celebrate Shawn's winnings immediately after that moment. Sky and Dave have also decided to get more acquainted with the formerly fanboy and the princess despite the slight confusion that they've had on the invites.

"So, Mike and I are going to reveal the surprises for you two in about ten minutes! So at 10:00 P.M., we will get everyone in the room to group up in front of Beardo's DJ booth, and we will make an announcement. Then after we crown you guys the surprise, we will start celebrating Shawn's victory of winning the million dollars! Does that sound okay?" Zoey explained to the beautiful singer and the handsome aspiring host about their updated schedule, while they were nodding in agreement.

"Oh Zoey, that sounds perfectly fine with us! We cannot wait for the surprises that you and your wonderful boyfriend will give us! You know how much I love surprises!" Ella optimistically replied as she started clapping both of her lavender gloved hands from excitement. Topher smiled to the couple as well after explaining what they will do soon.

"I sure hope the surprise would make me even more handsome than now and before!" he also responded, while he chuckled. Zoey laughed in return from Topher's comment and response.

"Oh I'm sure it will, Topher! You're gonna love what Mike and I have in store for you two!" the indie chick guaranteed, when she was wrapping both of her arms tightly around Mike's right arm. He also smiled while looking at his girlfriend, the princess, and the host wannabee.

"Yeah...well, we need to go set up the celebration right now since the time is getting close! Why don't we go do that, Zoey?" the indie chick's boyfriend asked, turning his head back to his girlfriend. The red-headed girl nodded in agreement as the two of them left the conversation, leaving Topher and Ella along with Dave and Sky.

Right when Mike and Zoey have left both of their sights sight, they've turned around to the reunited couple, who were still standing next to them and looking at them.

" seems like you two have already made up. Right?" Topher asked, talking to both Dave and Sky, who smiled a little bit in response.

"Yeah! I just didn't think we would actually end up together, especially after what happened in the finale! To be honest...I thought that things would stay as dark as it was before...before we had a talk to straighten things out," the germaphobe responded. He and the petite aspiring Olympian ended up looking at each other after answering Topher's question.

"Well, I'm just so glad that I've written my whole explanation about the faults that I've made, Dave! I just wasn't sure if I should've either left you alone, or to try to make things right for you!" she replied, still giving Dave a slight smile.

"And I'm so glad that I didn't throw your letter into the fireplace! Otherwise I would've stayed mad at you during this party!" he also responded to her, while the both of them were still looking at each other with adoring expressions on their faces.

Ella smiled at the both of them very sweetly, as Topher was tapping his chin with his index finger tip, studying the look of their mood.

"So, is it safe to assume that you and your other boyfriend have broken up, Sky? Since you and Dave are dating right now?" he asked, while he was squinting his pure green eyes at her. She nodded to him, showing a mix of smile and a frown on her face.

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