Stories and Reasons

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"C'mon, Ella! Why don't you head back into the ballroom, and cheer up a bit? Beardo has got some great music that you might enjoy that will help you get back on your happy feet!" said Zoey, who was placing her hands on Ella's shoulders as the girls were walking their way down in the hallway, where they're heading to the ballroom again.

Ella smiled and nodded while Mike was waiting by the doorway entry of the room. He was smiling when he's noticed his girlfriend and the princess walking their way back, while closing his own hands together in patience when they have met from face-to-face.

"Feeling better, Ella?" he asked, with the girls keeping their smiles on. The beautiful princess nodded while showing her own teeth.

"I'm feeling wonderful right now thanks to your wonderful girlfriend that I've offered my friendship to! So now, I have a feeling that we're going to be the greatest friends ever right now!" she answered optimistically, giving the red-headed indie chick a big hug. She embraced in return while forcing her red smile on her face.

"I'm glad I could help you cheer up, Ella! Hey Mike, who else needs to come to the party again?" Zoey asked and patted Ella's back, as turned her head towards Mike when she asked her question. Mike placed one of his hands on his opposite arm, making a thinking look while rolling his brown eyes to the ceiling.

"I think we're missing only Max and Scarlett. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that those two won't come at some point..." he asked, and then rolled his eyes back to Zoey, who also made a very curious look on her face. She rolled her eyes to the floor when she started thinking about them more.

"Hmmmmm... Knowing both of their personalities, they seem like the kind of people who aren't into parties or reunions. I guess they're not interested. Oh well," she replied in a sad manner and sighed, feeling slightly disappointed that they haven't arrived yet. Of course, it has been only less than an hour since prom started, so only twelve of the fourteen contestants have attended to the reunion.

"Well that's a shame that Scarlett and Max haven't arrived yet..." Mike added, reaching his arm while scratching the back of his head from disappointment. Ella frowned a bit, feeling bad for the couple since those two other guests have not arrived yet.

"Awww! I'm sure that they must have forgotten the time or something! Maybe they're on their way right now! They'll figure out where we are at considering that they're two of the most intelligent people ever!" said Ella, trying to cheer up both Mike and Zoey. The couple made a small sad smile at Ella, feeling touched by her compassion.

"Yeah, maybe they're running late, or must have forgotten the time or something! Although, it has been for like, forty-five minutes since the prom reunion started!" the red-head replied, making a bigger smile when she turned her head to Ella, who also smiled back at her.

"Hey, Ella! Topher and I were just talking a few minutes ago while you and Zoey were bonding! I think he's waiting for you ever since we've talked about what happened back there between you and Sugar!" Mike noted the princess, who puckered her lips in surprise while feeling the sense of blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Ooooh! He is?! I have bumped into him last Monday when we've received those invitations together! Oh, he was just so kind and charming! I would love to speak to him right now!" Ella responded, with an adoring expression planted on her face, while locking her gloved hands together.

"Yeah! I think Zoey and I will just enter too. I'm sure Max and Scarlett will figure out that the party is here! I'll just check outside of the room every few minutes to keep an eye out for them! Lets head in, shall we?" Mike replied, while moving his way out of the entry doorway, allowing the girls to enter in first.

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