Chapter 5

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It had been three weeks since I got kissed by Liam. My ankle had started to heal and I could put weight on it. I had mostly stayed home since I had to use crutches everywhere I went and it was hard to use them all the time. It was impossible to get around.

Today was like any day, boring, having the house to myself. My parents are away at their jobs. I flipped through the channels on the TV, there was nothing good on. I had watched almost every series there was.

I flipped the TV off picking up a book, might as well do some reading I thought. As I heard the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, there stood Liam in khaki shorts, a loose-fitting plaid short sleeve shirt, over a white sleeve shirt. I drank in his appearance. Oh, he looked so yummy. He caught me staring, then I remembered how I looked.

"ACK!" I yelled trying to shield myself with the door, I was only dressed in old sweatpants shorts, and a loose-fitting paint-splattered shirt, my hair was a mess also. He couldn't see me like this!

Wait what am I saying? Since when do I care what I look like in front of him? I don't even like him! Yes, you do! No, I don't! Ugh standing here arguing with myself was going nowhere.

"Liam, what do you want?"

He chuckled a little, "Well I was going to go to the burger stand and get me something to eat, but then I realized why not come over and see if you wanted to come.

I blinked trying to make sure if I heard him correctly.

A date? He was asking me out on a date?

"I'm hardly dressed to be going out."

Liam stepped forward, I could smell his spicy cologne.

"I don't see anything wrong in your appearance, but if you want to make yourself presentable then I'll wait."

"Well, why don't you come in and wait while I get ready." I mentally kicked myself for that. Why did I invite him into my house?

I watched as he followed me into my parent's house. He seemed to look at everything like he was in a museum.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," I told him while I disappeared upstairs.

I hopped in the shower and while the water was raining down on me, I pictured Liam, I could feel goosebumps on my skin. I got out of the shower and chose some clothes. I chose a white loose sundress with spaghetti straps. I applied some light makeup on and brushed my hair. I slipped on some white foot flops and made my way down the stairs.

As soon as I entered the living room where Liam was he turned around staring at me. I felt myself blush.

We decided to walk since it was only a couple of blocks away, and there was a nice cool breeze.

We talked about the weather and compared it with the weather, where I was from.

We went into the restaurant, which was pretty nice. It had a western theme and the lighting was dim, they had music playing from a jukebox in the corner.

"Hello, my name is Holly, what would you like to drink?" a way too bubbly waitress asked.

We ordered sodas, finding out that we both like Pepsi.

"I'm going to order a cheeseburger, everything on it, and a basket of fries," Liam ordered. "What would you like Annie."

"I'll take the same, except for my cheeseburger, it cannot have any onion, I'm highly allergic to them," I said to the waitress while taking a sip of my Pepsi.

The waitress wrote it all down and went to put in our order.

When our food arrived, Liam dug right in. I picked up my bun to inspect it, can't be too careful with my onion allergy. As I looked under my bun, I saw onions! The damn cheeseburger had onions on it! I was mad, can't people ever listen? I motion for the waitress to come over to our table. As soon as she came over with her happy smiling face. I glared at her.

"I would wipe that happy look off your face right now! I could sue you and this restaurant, take you for everything you have and you wouldn't have a job, my parents are lawyers, you low life." I heard Liam gasp, but I ignored him. This waitress had it coming.

"I told you I'm allergic to onions! Did I not? These fucking things can kill me! You can't even get a simple order right!"

Liam slammed his fist down on the table making us both jump.

"Annie! That's enough!"

"No, it's not fucking enough! This bimbo shouldn't be working here!" I yelled back at him.

The waitress was in tears by now, apologizing over and over, I could feel the death glares from Liam across the table.

Next thing I knew I was pulled up from my seat by Liam. He had my upper right arm in an iron grip, he told the waitress to excuse us. And he half marched half-walked me to the back of the restaurant where no one was around.

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