Chapter 29

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NOTE FROM AUTHOR: I want to make a big shout out to sweet-intoxication, she wrote this chapter to help me out. Please give her props, I added a little detail, but the majority of it is her work! Also, this chapter is all in Liam's POV. Also, I haven't decided clearly yet if she is going to get her sight back yet or not, I am taking it chapter by chapter, please enjoy.

Liam's POV:

Annie had been incredibly frustrated with having to learn how to do everything, she only had her four senses to use, her fingers for feeling and touching, her nose for smelling, and her ears for hearing. She continued to throw things, say rude and snarky comments to people, also throwing a cuss word or two in it. I had grown very tired of it, but I let it slide considering everything she has been through lately. I tried to put myself in her shoes, how would I deal with not being able to see, so after realizing that I would probably feel the same way, I couldn't bring myself to get mad at her, I had almost lost her!

I wasn't going anywhere, and I made sure that Annie knew that, even if she wanted me to leave so she could be alone and have her tantrums. I wasn't leaving her side and I believed she secretly didn't want me to leave either and thanked me for that, deep down. But right now, she was just too stubborn to admit it.

Right now we were practicing her reading letters, using braille. I was helping her, by guiding her finger over the bumps, she kept frowning not understanding anything that she was feeling. I was trying to be really patient with her.

"This is a P, feel the bumps? The bumps make up the letter," I told her again for the seventh time in just ten minutes, we had been over this so many times.

"Liam! I am tired of this! I'm done!" Annie yelled pulling her hand out of mine, and shoving the braille book away. She looked away and had a scowl on her face, I sighed, All she had done today was scream and yell, attracting the attention of the doctors and nurses, making a few of them scared to even walk into her room. The boys all gave me worried glances every now and then when she would have an outburst. They were probably taking bets on how long I was going to tolerate this kind of behavior before I lost it. I can tell you I disapproved of this kind of behavior by a long shot, every single time, but I sighed and let it go.

"I know you are, my love. But you need to stop yelling and handle the situation with maturity and calmness. Getting angry won't make anything better," I assured her as I moved her pillows around behind her, to help her sit up in bed.

"Maturity? Calmness? I'm blind! Liam! Nothing will ever be the same!" she yelled at me, pushing my shoulder once she felt around and found it, I was starting to feel my resolve start slipping.

"Annie! Stop this right now! Being blind gives you no right to be disrespectful and rude to the person who is trying to help you and has your best interest in mind!" I raised my voice slightly just enough to get my point across, I was getting to the edge of my patience. I watched as she frowned, crossed her arms, but settled back against the pillows and turned her head towards the window. I started feeling bad for yelling at her, but I couldn't keep letting things slide, because she was starting to become very rude and disrespectful at every turn.

The door to her room squeaked and I looked towards it, the doctor looked into the room caustiously looks to where Annie was, then looks over at me gesturing me to come out into the hallway. Annie turned her head towards the door also hearing it open, she sits slightly up in her bed as a curious expression comes over her face.

"Liam? Who is it?" she asks me gripping the rails on the side of her bed.

"It's just the doctor. Harry and Zayn are here with you. I will be right back, darling." I said following the doctor out into the hallway, shutting her door quietly.

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