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"Why did you not tell me that you may not live long?" Louis asks as he rushes out of the restaurant after Harry.

"I didn't think it would matter," Harry stops in his tracks on the path and bows his head, his shoulders rising and falling with a shaky breath.

"How would it not matter, Harry?" Louis stands behind him, voice soft and sounding teary.

"We all know I am a fucking rebound, Louis. Everyone can see it. The only reason you want me around is because I have his fucking heart."

"Not true."

"Would you be with me if I did not have it?" Harry turns around to face the boy, his face fallen and conveying heartbreak.

"That is a stupid question."

"And that just proves my point," Harry purses his lips and looks at the sky, blinking back tears.

"Yes, yes I would! Because I love you, Harry."

"You have a weird way of showing it. This isn't working, Louis. I am sorry. I thought it would but... I am not him, I will never be him. In your mind, I can't ever reach him. I am sorry." Harry turns around and walks off, leaving a crying Louis. The sounds of the door creaks behind Louis and he turns around to see Jeremy walking out of the restaurant.

"I am sorry. I ruined your date."

"He deserves better, Louis," Jeremy says sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You do not think I know that? I love him, Jeremy. I just told him I did."

"Show him you love him or someone else will."

"It is too late. He does not want me anymore. He just basically broke up with me." Jeremy sighs and opens his arms for Louis to fall into.

"And you feel..."

"Like I am losing Austin all over again, except this time, I know I can fix it. I want to fix it."

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know your thoughts! xo

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