New Starts

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"Aria....Aria.....ARIA!" Tyler shouted before ripping out my earphones.
I look up. "First of all ow." I reach over and slap him on the back of the head "Second of all what do you want?"
Tyler laughs before darting away from me and jumping over the front counter of the comic book store we both work at.
"We open I'm five minutes and a new shipment of The Walking Dead comics came in. Good luck working the front I'll be in the back if you need me!" With that Tyler scurries into the back room. I look outside and already a huge crowd of fans waiting outside the door. I groan and lay my head on the counter, this is going to be a long day.
The five minutes pass quickly and I walk towards the door in dread. As soon I unlock the door people flood in and I have to run behind the counter to avoid being crushed. Curse being short.
After a couple of hours of nonstop rush things around the shop start to calm down. My shift is finally over so I head to the back of the store to find Tyler asleep. I hit him with a nearby magazine
"Get up our shifts are over Kelsie and Katie should be here soon. So I'm going to leave you to wait for them, did you at least set aside the issues I asked for?"
"Yeah they're in your box, you got some letter today. It looked important...are you even listening to me?"
"Um yeah let me just open this" I carefully open the letter and pull out two smaller letters.
"What are they?"
"My mum forwarded two letters. I'm not sure what's in them yet."
"Well what are you waiting for open them."
"Well aren't you sarcastic today, the first one is an acceptance letter. To the photography school!"
"The same one you've been going on and on about?"
"Yeah, this other one is concert tickets!"
"For who? And why do you just get concert tickets out of the blue?"
I laugh"The concert tickets are for Hozier. And the letter that came with it says it's a congratulation gift." I skim over the rest of the letter before putting everything into my messenger bag. "Okay well I'm off Tyler."
"Bye then and you know if you want someone to go with to the concert, I'm free."
"Bye and you don't even listen to him." I stick my tongue out at him before walking out through the front. As I'm leaving I see Katie.
"Hey Katie! Where's Kylie?"
"Hey Voodoo! She's getting coffee for us."
"I've got to go but how many times have I told you not to call me that!"
"Aw lighten up Aria. It's a good nickname"
"Yeah yeah!" I call out as I rush down the sidewalk. I want to get home and look through the acceptance letter as soon as possible.
As I walk along I'm pushed into a side alley, hitting my head against the brick wall.
"Hello little lady just give us your bag and you're free to go." I look up at whoever pushed me into the alley but I can't get much details apart from the fact that they are much taller and larger than myself. There's no way I can get out of this.
"Cough up the bag little missy."
I clutch the bag closer to me trying to back away but find nothing but brick wall.
"Hurry up I'm losing my patience lady. I will take it by force."
Whoever it is is about to lunge forward to take my bag when a voice cut it.
"I'm afraid she's with me." whoever my saviour was pulled me behind them and ended up taking a direct hit by my captor. This is starting to feel like some freakin fairy tail. I step from behind whoever is protecting me and uppercut the jaw of my captor.
"Ow. Okay let's run for it!" I drag whoever saved me back towards the comic store, not slowing from my run until I could see the store. "Sorry here come with me and I'll look at whatever damage he did." I pull him into the store with me and into the back calling out to Katie that everything is fine and to ignore us.
I finally get a good look at whoever I've dragged into the store, and freeze. There is my favourite music artist, Hozier.

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