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Being out and about with the girls of the band isn't too bad. They're nice and involve in their conversations showing an actual interest in who I am. I don't know why I never really got to know them considering I've been traveling with them this long. Maybe because Andrew and I are together, well we haven't exactly said that but we aren't hiding it either.
It isn't until we are in some small clothing store that Alana finally asks as sea browsing a rack.  "So you and Andrew then, you're a thing?"  She tries to sound nonchalant but I can still hear the hesitance in her voice.
I hesitate before answering wishing Andrew could answer. "Um yeah." She nods and tries to hide a smile.
"So how long has it been going on?" Mia asks coming up beside me looking at the necklaces on display.
"Yesterday we made it official." I look over at her and when she looks at me there's something softer in her glance. "It's been a long time since Andrew has been with someone his last girlfriend wrecked him. Treat him right okay?"
I'm a bit taken back, sure I knew Andrew had previous relationships you kinda just assume that but I didn't know it ended badly. Curiosity sparks but I silence it, if Andrew wants me to know he can tell me.
"I'll be good to him." I mean it. She smiles at me.
"I believe you. By the way we know what Autumn did and want you to know that you'll always have friends in us." The rest of the girls voice they're approval and I'm moved by my new found friends.

Months go by and nothing changes. My friendship with the girls grow, primarily with Mia who I've become the most attached to. Andrew and I are still going strong time only drawing us closer together as our relationship strengthens. Days flew by each being different and unique. The only thing that did change was the break that was supposed to happen was moved to December during the holidays and a fallout with my mother when I told her I was perms you taking this job. I'm not welcome home at the moment until I "come to my senses" "get a useful degree" and "get over" my "stupid lustful infatuation with a man that will only ditch me for a beautiful woman when he gets bored with me." The call happened last night and I still haven't told Andrew. I should and I want to but what if she's right. Andrew could have any girl he wanted, they practically throw themselves at his feet. I'm certainly no where near anywhere as beautiful as so many of them. Heck to them he's a god and what am I? I'm just some girl who can take pictures I'm just the photographer. Maybe my insecurity comes from my fear of the fans finding out and hating me. They've already caught onto the fact that I'm traveling with the band. I've been accidentally caught in to many pictures to just be some fan who's gone to more than one concert and alert is high questions being unanswered as Andrew and I chose to stay silent about it. With all of tees thoughts swirling in my head I must have looked terrified as the barista at the coffee shop I'm in asked me if I was alright concern written on her face. I smile and play it off before quickly finishing off my drink and head back to the outdoor festival Andrew is supposed to perform at. It's a rather hot day for fall and humid with electricity in the air like an approaching thunderstorm but the skies are clear. I don't understand why I'm so jittery today but my stomach is twisting and turning.
Later in the day I'm calmed down enough to work and I go through the motions of taking pictures and just loosing myself in my work as Andrew and the rest of the band performs amazingly.
It's not until after the concert when Andrew is about to do a meet and greet does anything go wrong. A rather tall blonde woman was obviously drunk but she approaches me wobbling a bit in her heels. She's holding a cup of beer and her top is a bit too small for her breasts. Over all she just looks out of place. This isn't the first meet and greet I've done photos for so I don't think anything much of drunk fans especially at large festivals like this. Security is near by so nothing ever goes wrong.
She finally gets to where I'm at before she begins to talk we words slurred from intoxication. "You're her. The one girl that travels with them." She points at me accusingly "you're together aren't you? Well listen here slut. You're nothing but a fat ugly lil' bitch and once he sees me he will realize you're nothing and be mine. I'm gorgeous you're not. He loves me not you." I'm a bit shocked at her outburst but she is drunk so I try and be nice.
"Are you alright? We can get you some water and you can sit down if you need to you don't look to steady there." I pray for her to be like the other drunks I've dealt with and just go with it.
"Who do you think I am? Andrew loves me don't even talk to me you cunt." With that she throws her beer at me falling as she does. I catch her and security rushes over to help deal with this but I'm also soaked in beer. I sigh frustrated. Even though she's drunk her words stung, and now I'm covered in alcohol and I stink of it. I just want to cry with everything that's been going on, so I leave. I go back to the hotel and start a hot bath stripping my clothes and throwing them into some random corner. I get into the scalding water but it doesn't hurt, I just cry as I sit there. I give up I don't know what to do anymore.

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