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••••••••little authors note: the story will always be in Aria's perspective unless I specify otherwise••••••••

I groan and pick up my phone from my nightstand. I look at the time and just toss my phone somewhere on my bed before rolling over and smothering the light coming from the window with my pillow.
I pull my head out from underneath my pillow and look at my blaring alarm clock of a phone. I don't want to get up all I want to do is sleep! It's a Saturday is sleep to much to ask for? All of the memories from yesterday come flooding back to me. Was that all real? The photo! I try to hop out of bed only to get tangled up in my sheets and go crashing to the ground. "Ow.." I manage to untangle myself from my death trap of a bed set and go out into my front room and to the little table where I thew my wallet yesterday. I look inside and sure enough the little photo of the smiling puppy is there.
I catch myself smiling, it was all real! Great now I have too much energy to sleep. Damn. I go back to my room and get ready for the day taking a shower, getting dressed, as I'm brushing my teeth my phone goes off. I look at my phone and at my toothbrush. Now what. I pick up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey Aria it's Kylee. What are you doing today? Actually I'm shocked you're even up yet normally you're still asleep."
I talk around the toothbrush "Yeah well I'm just full of suprises aren't I? I don't THINK I'm doing anything today though I'll probably read my comic book and go though mail. I think I'm going to get a dog though I want a puppy." I shrug my shoulders as I talk.
"AW! I want to go shopping with you! Can I? I promise not to make you go into Victoria secrets again....and I will buy you lunch." Her voice goes up an octave at the idea of puppies and I cringe.
"...." I contemplate the pros and cons of shopping with her.
"Come on Aria it's free food. I know how much you love food. I will let you pick where we go." She has a point I love food.
"Alright I'll go shopping with you. We have to get the puppy last though, I don't think I can bring it into every shop with us. Just give me enough time to change into actual clothes instead of my comfy clothes." I look down at my tanktop and paint splattered jeans.
"Okay I'll pick you up in like 20 minutes so be ready voodoo!"
"Don't call me that!" I yell into the phone but Kylee already hung up. What have I gotten myself into? I change into something a bit nicer and munch on an apricot as I wait for Kylee and shove my wallet and keys into my pockets.
I play games on my phone as I lean up against my kitchen counter when I hear a knock on the door, I open it and get tackled by Kylee in a hug.
"Hi Kylee." I manage to get out as she squeezes the air out of my lungs in her bone crushing hug. Thankfully she let's go.
"Oh no you are NOT wearing that!"
I look down at my shirt, jeans, and converse.
"What's wrong with this I wear this all the time?"
"THATS THE POINT!" Kylee drags me into my room and begins to raid my closet before pulling together a "suitable" outfit for me. "Put this on now and meet me in the car." with that she leaves.
I sigh and change for the third time today. It's no use arguing with her she's stubborn as a mule. I walk out into her black Lexus and sit in the passengers side.
"Look happy Aria we are going shopping!"
"I was promised food and a puppy, until that point you are just going to be dragging me into every clothes store you see." I give her a pointed look.
"....well we can go into stores you like as well. We are going to that new outdoor mall I think they have a vintage record store or something."she knows me too well, I love to collect vintage records.
"Really? Is there really a record store? The one I always went to went out of business." I look at Kylee hopefully.
" I think so and there's plenty of food there."
"Then what are you waiting for? Drive woman!" I crack a smile and start laughing Kylee joining in with me and pulling out of her parking space.
After going to clothing store after clothing store Kylee drags me into another store.
"Kylee this is the twentieth clothe store so far!"
"I know but I need a dress and you haven't gotten enough clothes yet." Kylee talks to me as she begins shifting through the dresses.
"I bought some stuff... I want to go to the record store and I want food!" My stomach growls in protest. "See! My people are calling me!"
"Oh hush up. When I went through your closet I did not see a single dress! All you have are jeans and tops, what if you get a hot date. You will need a cute dress. Just buy one, please! Even you can't go wrong with a cute black dress." She practically gives me puppy dog eyes trying to convince me.
"Fine ONE dress and then the record store and then food."
"Deal!" Kylee giggles and drags me towards the dresses.
Eventually I end up with two dresses because Kylee "insisted" aka she practically held me at gun point. After the record store we go to a small café and sit down to relax and eat.
We quickly get seated and I have a jive view of the door. The cheery waitress, Alexa, takes our orders and runs off to help others and get our drinks.
"So I have a question for you Aria." Kylee starts off the conversation fiddling with her straw.
"M'kay shoot." I take a sip of my iced tea and wait for her to ask whatever she wants to know.
"So..that guy you ran in with yesterday....who was he? Do you like him? Is he your boyfriend? He was pretty cute."
I choke on my tea and begin coughing for more reasons than one, the first being that she said that, the second that in the door came my saviour from yesterday.

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