Cold Coffee

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Getting home and sending off Autumn to pack up her things was easy enough. Deciding what I'm going to do, not so easy. The apartment was easy enough to sort out with Kylee staying there and packing wasn't difficult either. It's only when I have to let my parents know what I'm doing do I find myself stalling. I know they will support my decision but I don't think they will be happy I'm turning down a scholarship like this.
I run my hands through my hair and stare at my cold coffee and phone on the counter in front of me. I take a deep breath and dial my parents.
"Hello?" My mom answers.
"Hey mom I wanted to tell you something-"
"Oh honey if it's about the concert tickets it's no problem you deserved them getting that scholarship you worked so hard for. You've made us so proud." Great now I feel even worse.
"The concert was great and thank you so much for the tickets but that's not what I wanted to tell you. I was offered a photography job and they're letting me travel with them for a few months to try it out and if I don't like it then I'll go to the university. It's an amazing opportunity. I'll get to travel just like I wanted and the band is nice and Autumn is working with them too."
"Them? A band. Who are you talking about and what do you mean if you don't like it then you'll go to the university. I-WE planned this for you, a college degree, making good money. It's bad enough you didn't become a lawyer but now you just want to run off with some band. Why would you do that? It's not what we wanted for you and you know we only want what's best for you." She completely looses it yelling at me on the phone.
I close my eyes, rubbing my temple. "It's not your decision nor was it ever your decision what I do with my life. I love you mom tell dad I said hi." I hang up and drop the phone on the counter.
That went worse than I thought it's just like when I told them I wasn't going to be a lawyer. Memories flood through my mind making me head pound.
"Ugh, what am I doing?" I dig around my bag for my bottle of aspirin and pop one to make the headache go away before starting on dinner for Kylee and myself.
Kylee emerges from her room when the food is ready and we both sit down.
"So why the long face Aria?" Kylee picks at her rice while giving me a pointed look. "and don't just say it's because you're mom and you fought again."
I sigh and set down my fork. "You could hear us?" She nods and I continue. " I don't know what happened, one minute Andrew is fine and the next he's acting all stiff and weird."
She doesn't even look up this time "he was just jealous."
"Of what Kylee? Why in the name of Christ would he be jealous?"
She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow "I wasn't there how would I know but I do know that when guys act like that they are either hungry, upset at someone else or something else, horny, or jealous. It's just the way it is Aria. And it sounds like he was just jealous. Did you talk to any guys there apart from him?"
"Well yeah another photographer but just about work nothing else..."
"See I was right as normal. Stop overreacting you'll be fine. Besides now you have a few months to be close to this handsome Irish lad." She winks at me before changing the topic. "Are you all packed you leave tomorrow don't you?"
"Yeah in the afternoon which is nice but I'm packed it'll be odd not being here. You're still going to hand in my resignation letter to the comic store aren't you?"
"Of course. Were really going to miss you, you know that?"
I smile and shake my head "I'll miss you all too."

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