Belong to Eachother

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We were both broken even though we didn't realise it at first. We both needed each other even though we didn't know it at first. We had been covering it up and now as we sit here together both of our eyes raw and red we opened up to each other. We talked about out pasts, our highs and lows. In all it was the most serious conversation we ha ever had and it was also the most honest. No matter what was said however horrible it may seem to ourselves it was accepted and loved by the other.
After our long hours of talking my definition of love had shifted, before it was almost a superficial stereotypical cliche in which everything is fine, now though I realise how messy love is. It's broken and it's accepting and forgiving and above all it's beautiful. I voice my thoughts to Andrew as we sit in each other's arms and he agrees. He kisses my hair and pulls me closer. At this time not many words are needed, so many were already said. We are both weak and vulnerable alone but together we are strong.
Finally when the sun is high and we are both hungry enough to move we get up. When Andrew gets up I'm confused as he starts throwing things in my bag.
"What are you doing?" I curiously watch him waiting for a response.
"You're staying with me now. I'm not going to leave you alone anymore, I can't. You'll share a room with me-" he stops and frowns."if you don't mind. I'm being rash I know and I didn't ask you I just assumed you would be fine with it. I don't want you to be alone or feel alone. If I have to shout it out to every person that I love you and that you're mine and I'm yours so be it but please stay with me." He looks desperate. I never would have said no in the first place and he asks so sweetly and looks so determined I know I can never say no to him.
"Of course Andrew." We finish packing up my things moving them to his room down the hall before just ordering off of room service neither of us wanting to face people right now.
It's late afternoon almost night when we finally go out to find the rest of the group. Thankfully Andrew doesn't have to perform today so we are given the luxury of just wandering around. The band was cautious at first not knowing what to expect after we both disappeared for almost a day. Lord only knows I would react the same way. After they are assured that we are fine only a little worse for the wear we both wander off together to look around the festival. As we walk between different stalls looking at what's being sold our interlocked hands swing between us and we are just enjoying ourselves. A catchy song comes on and Andrew pulls me closer and swings me around dancing to the beat. We are both laughing and we probably look insane to anyone watching us. Some short girl with an extremely tall guy dancing around crazily both irrefutably in love.
Eventually as the song ends he stops and I'm trapped in his arms. He leans down and kisses my forehead before letting me go.
Later in the day after a ton of walking a girl approaches us as we are eating some food from a nearby vendor.
"You're Hozier!" Her eyes are wide and she looks stunned. To be honest I'm surprised no one  recognised him sooner I mean he's kinda hard to miss he's so damn tall.
I watch their interaction not really paying mind to it until she asks if we are together. I just about choke on my water and look to Andrew to answer. He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. "Yes we are." I look up at him smiling, happier than I've been in a long time. The girl takes it well congratulating us before wandering off with her friends.
"You told her." I remark quietly.
"Of course, I told you I love you and it's time everyone knew we belong to eachother." He smiles and I have to say even though our day didn't start out too great it's definitely taken a turn. I suppose it goes with the saying that good always comes with bad. As we sit the sun sets and we watch the stars come out with music from whoever is performing filtering through the fall air. Our journey together is far from over it's just begun.

•••MUST READ: this marks half way through the first of 3 books for this being the 30th chapter. A lot more is too come but a little break is needed after going through these last few chapters which have been rather emotional if I do say so myself. THIS ISNT THE END OF THE STORY but take a minute to breathe and read onto the next chapters with a fresh mindset. Thank you for reading this far loves! -your author••••

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