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I'm left standing there and mulling over my options. On one hand I have an AMAZING opportunity to work with Andrew, heck this is every fans dream to be able to attend every concert and unlimited time around the group. On the other hand this scholarship means so much, if I give it up I will probably never get another offer like that again.
I'm so I'm depth with my thoughts that I fail to notice Autumn walk up to me.
"Oh my god Aria guess what!" She's practically squealing with excitement.
I decide to humour her "Loki god of mischief turned your arch nemesis into a goat?"
She wrinkles her face "Sometimes I'm not sure why I'm friends with you. Anyways they offered me a job! The manager told me she offered you one as well, why didn't you say yes? This is a dream come true!"
I frown. "It's not like that it is an amazing opportunity but I don't know what to do. I have a scholarship lined up, I have an apartment, it's not like I can just pick up and leave."
As Autumn opens her mouth to respond she cut off by a rather deep voice behind me. "Then why don't you just give it a try for a few months, see if you like it. If it's not your cup of tea then come back and continue on with your life."
I turn around and see Andrew staring at us both, to be honest he looks annoyed. I frown again. "Well that would be lovely but what would your manager say Andrew?" There's a hint of stubbornness in my voice as I cross my arms over my chest.
He takes a step closer and there's very little room between us and the tension is high. "I don't know why don't you ask her." He turns to walk away after he finishes talking.
"What is your problem?" I call after him and instantly regretting opening my mouth, why am I so stupid?
He doesn't get angry he sighs and turns around. "Why don't you go ask your photography buddy, you both seemed pretty cozy before the show." He walks away and I'm left in shock. Is Andrew jealous?
I set that aside for another time and go and find the manager. After explaining Andrew's idea to her and the situation with the scholarship she agrees.
By the time I make it home Atumn is passed out in the passenger seat and I just stare up at the sky. Andrews acting like he has a stick up his ass, I may be giving up a scholarship, what am I going to tell my parents, I have to find something to do with my apartment, figure out what I'm going to do about my job, and all I want to do is sleep. I stare up at the sky like it has some magical answer to my problems. What in the world have I gotten myself into?

•••PLEASE READ: okay so first off a huge thank you to the loves who have been commenting and voting for this story to be honest without them I probably wouldn't have been updating and might have discontinued the story. Second of all can you all PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go and read the story Eachother by @Chessiemeows it's a great story (no it's not a fanfiction just a story) thanks loves•••

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