Into motion

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Everyone else in the group is talking and they don't mention anything about the closeness between Andrew and I. Once we had approached they just widened the circle for the both of us none of the band giving us a second glance. I'm not actively following the conversation, more focused on Andrews arm languidly swung over my shoulder than anything else so when Mia calls my name I'm completely confused.
"What was that? Sorry I'm just sort of out of it at the moment." I can feel my face warming as the group laughs. Andrew is so close I can feel his side move from laughing.
"We can tell. We were wondering if you had a preference on bunks everyone is getting a new bunk since we have a new bus because the last one finally broke." Mia has a smirk on her face and I can tell what she's getting at. She means well I can tell that much though.
"No not really, whatever one is open is fine by me." She nods and the conversation continues but Andrew leans down to whisper.
"Mine is always open love." He says it low enough that no one else hears but his snickering gives him away and the people closest to us turn and give him a look but don't say anything about it. He kisses my cheek lightly before standing normally again.
If he wants to play that way then fine I'm not going to be the one to ruin his fun. Little bits of evilness form in my mind, all the ways I can torment him so  simple. I won't do anything yet but soon, very soon.
Two cups of coffee, three pages of crossword puzzles, and five hours later I have a full plan on how to deal with this, whatever this is. It will take about a week or two depending on how long out little "game" will continue. Andrew is currently reading a book on a nearby couch and the rest of the group is in the back of the bus doing their own things, it's time to put my plan into motion.
I go and sit right next to him leaning on him and see what he's reading.
He doesn't look up but he wraps his arm around me drawing me in closer. This isn't working I wanted to distract him not cuddle. Although I am enjoying it but that's not the point, distraction not cute-sy couple things.
"Whatcha reading?" I mutter softly looking up at him
His eyes still graze the page as he answers, "poetry."  I frown, come on look at me.
I stare at him some more, he's very focused on his book and I take a moment to study his features. His eyes are probably the most notable, you can just see them absorbing the words studying the meaning and value behind each one. "M'kay" I mutter. I turn so I'm looking at the book. "Do you like it?" I haven't even done anything and I'm already giving up on my plan. I don't look at him but I furrow my eyebrows at my own thoughts.
He sighs marking the page and shutting the book before "Is something wrong?" He pulls me up into his lap and his deep eyes stare into my own and I'm forced to look at him from the change in position.
"No." My tone sounds sulky so I try again. "Nothing's wrong I'm just bored."  He raises his eyebrows but doesn't question it.
"Well I know how to fix that." He gets up moving me over and goes into the back of the bus returning a few minutes later with his laptop and a blanket. "I believe I owe you a movie."
He sits down and gestures for me to move so by the time we are both settled I'm sitting in between his legs with my back against his stomach and the blanket covering us both with the laptop booting up in a position we can both see.
He scrolls through his movie collection. "Which one do you want to watch?" He murmurs into my hair.
"Surprise me." I cover my eyes with my hands and I can feel his chest move as he laughs.
"Alright no peaking." I nod with my eyes shut not looking until he takes my hands in his moving them from my face as the movie begins.
I'm not sure how many movies we watched until we both passed out like that but we are woken up by not so quiet whispering. I blink several times confused and groggy.
My eyes glance around seeing the group sitting in various places.
"What's going on?" I mutter my words slurring from sleep.
Mia is the first to respond. "Nothing, we didn't mean to wake you to love birds up but someone," she shoots a pointed look at Alex, "doesn't understand what it means to whisper." Alex just shrugs and looks back down at his phone. Mia shakes her head before continuing "we are going to be stopping soon and we are going out shopping, a bit of time off of the bus. Why don't you come with Rachel Alana and myself and give the boys some time together yeah?" I have a feeling that even if I don't want to I would have to go anyways.
I go agree and go and make myself look less like I slept in a pile of hay and more like a human being. I guess my afternoon is decided then. All thoughts of whatever game I was bent on dissolved.

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