Now you can look

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Light filters in the window and I stretch finding the other half of the bed empty but still warm. I frown still not completely coherent. Once my senses clear and I sit up I hear the shower going, I look up and see that it's already ten. We were both exhausted last night and immediately fell asleep after finishing cleaning up. Once I'm more awake I go downstairs and make pancakes, I'm hungry and I know that even if Andrew won't admit it he likes pancakes more than waffles. By the time they're done Andrew is finished with his shower and dressed.
"Aria you spoil me, breakfast two days in a row." He plants kisses up my neck and onto my cheeks.
"If I knew I would get that reaction I'll make breakfast more often." I smile lightly. "Now eat so I can eat and then go get ready we have to go over to your parents later."
Once I'm in the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror, the bruises are starting to fade but they're still noticeable "damn it Andrew damn you and that mouth of yours" after my shower I take my time getting ready, brushing out my hair so it the normally unruly curls fall into soft waves and I put on just a little makeup before slipping on a warm burgundy sweater and some dark wash jeans. When I'm done it's not quite time to go so I scroll through my phone before a message pops up from my mother. It'd a picture of the family all together followed by the words 'you're not needed'. Great.
I throw the phone away from me on the bed and hide my face in my hands. Can't I have one thing that she can't ruin? Just one day. I try not to cry but a few tears leak down my face. I hear Andrew coming up the stairs an u quickly put a smile on my face and get up.
"Is it time to go?" I ask as he walks in the room.
"Yeah, aria were you crying? What's wrong love?" He sits down on the bed patting the spot next to him.
I sit down and sigh "it's nothing just my mother she texted me and I just don't know anymore Andrew."  I show him the message she sent me and he wraps his arms around me enveloping me in his warmth. He smells nice it's not a particular smell but it's warm and inviting and distinctly Andrew.
"You are very much wanted and needed and loved here Aria." He always knows the right thing to say.
Eventually we leave for his parents house, it's amazing how quickly his family is becoming closer to me than my own.
The evening goes by without a hitch an they surprised me with a beautiful necklace. Just like the last visit I again find myself in the kitchen with Raine.
"Thank you again Aria for the lovely scarf it's gorgeous."
"Oh you're welcome and it's nothing compared to this necklace I absolutely love it." I gently touch the red garnet pendant laced with silver scrollwork.
"Oh that was Andrew we weren't sure what to get you and he handled it. It's amazing that you two love each other so much I adore it."
I'm touched by her words and smile softly to myself.
When we finally make it back home it's around ten. I'm excited to give Andrew his gift and I lead him up to the bedroom.
"What's all this fuss about Aria? You've practically been jumping up and down since we started to head back."
"You'll see. Sit here." I sit him on the edge of the bed before going through his drawers and finding a tie.
"What's that for?"
"Oh wipe that cocky grin off your face it's so you can't spoil the surprise. Now don't peak" I tie it around his head and go and get the guitar from where I had hid it. Andrew being a man of his word hasn't taken it off or tried to peak.
I set the heavy case on his lap gently. "Okay now you can look." I untie the blindfold and he looks down at the guitar case on his lap and undoes the latch keeping it closed. He stares at the guitar inside.
"Do you like it?"

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