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As I watch Andrew's retreating form half of me wants to yell obscenities into the sky the other half to just cave in and sleep. Once backstage Andrew puts my things down on a near by table before turning to look at me.
I stand still with my arms crossed obviously displeased at being told not to work.
He sighs and wraps me in a hug. I can feel his breath brush against my hair as he softly talks. "Look Aria I know you're not happy but you can't work like this. Okay? After the show I'll make it up to you, we'll get you nice and warm and we can watch a movie or something alright." He pulls out of the hug to look at me while I answer.
"I-" I'm cut off as Alex shouts out that it's time to go on and Andrew follows with one last glance at me.
I'm left alone and I have to admit it's pretty cold, at least I still have Andrews flannel, and it smells nice which is a plus I guess. I'm doing fine scrolling through my phone about half way through the concert when I sense someone staring at me.
I look around and see Autumn smirk, laugh, and then turn towards some woman next to her and begin talking and pointing at me. I can faintly hear the words aria, fool, weak, useless, and slut. That's it, she can force me to walk through the rain but I'm not putting up with this bull. I stand up shrug off Andrews flannel and put it in my bag for safe keeping and grab my camera heading out to take pictures.
As I'm taking pictures I'm both shaking from cold and anger. So far I wasn't really noticed, just some girl with a camera. Sure I got a few weird stares but that doesn't bother me. And then Andrew spots me during a break between songs, know he can see me and isn't happy but he hides it pretty well. After that I get pointed looks whenever he can manage to slip them by. It makes my stomach churn but I keep working until the end of the concert.
Once it finishes I'm back stage reviewing my pictures and I have to admit they're some of the best I've ever taken, my best always comes through when I'm emotional.
I'm packing up my gear when I hear Andrew call my name roughly. I don't turn or respond I just keep my head down and put more things away.
"Aria!" This time he turns me around to face him. I've never seen his eyes so fierce, he's mad but it's soft anger at the same time. "What were you thinking?! I deliberately told you not to do something and you do it, what provoked you to do that? I know you weren't happy but normally you're reasonable." He looks at me concerned still holding onto my shoulders but his voice by now is a rough whisper as to not draw too much attention. He glances around quickly. "We will talk more about this in my room come on."
He hails a cab and the ride back to the hotel is awkward and quiet. I glance over at him several times but he refuses to even look at me he just stares out the window and the rain running down it. I frown and do the same for the rest of the ride. Once we are at the hotel he pays and walks off leaving me to follow him, difficult considering his long legs.
I follow him up to his room and he opens the door leaving me to follow yet again. I shut the door behind me and look over to see him staring out the large window. "Sit" is all he says.

In The Woods SomewhereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora