A new job

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Walking over to where Andrew was the rest of the group introduces themselves as Andrew introduces me. They all seem quite nice but especially Mia and Alex.
After talking for a bit I look at the time and notice I need to head out, thankfully Andrew notices too and offers to walk me out to my car.
Once were at my jeep he turns to me again. "Thank you again for the ride Aria."
"Oh yeah it was no problem, thank you for letting me stay for a bit too."
"Yeah you're welcome. I think I left my jacket in your car still do you mind if I grab it." He smiles at me sheepishly and I laugh.
"Yeah come on." I unlock the doors getting in as he grabs his jacket.
"Ehm well I'll see you tomorrow then, Aria."
"Yeah, bye Andrew." I pull out of the parking spot and drive away back to whatever disaster is waiting for me at my house.

••••Andrews point of view••••
I watch her drive away before sighing and heading back inside, she's such a great person and I want to get to know we better but with this tour schedule I can't get too attached I only have two more days here anyways.
"Hey Andrew since when do you bring cute girls to sound checks? Not a very romantic date now is it?" I can tell Alex is only teasing me but he has a point, since when do I bring girls to sound checks. "Woah don't take it all so serious, relax I was just messing with you."
I shoot him a smile. "Like I said she gave me a ride and out of politeness it asked her to stay."
"Politeness my ass. You fancy her don't you?" He shoots me a knowing look.
"We have work to do come on Alex." I change the subject and we turn around just in time to hear a large crash.

••••Back to Aria's point of view••••
I walk inside and see it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Kylee and Autumn are both watching tv on the couch and eating pizza. "I'm back" I call out "oh and Kylee remind me NEVER to let you talk to Andrew unsupervised on the phone again."
"What did I do?" Kylee 'innocently' asks.
"You know perfectly well what you said. I can't believe you even implied that! And you couldn't have just said sex? It had to be 'frickle frackle'?" I shoot her a glance before I pick up the remote changing it from a gossip channel to the news.
"Heyyyyy we were watching that!" Autumn and Kylee say together.
"Too bad I don't want to hear about the latest drama the kardashians are going through, I want to see what's going on in the world." I walk into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich when autumn calls me. "Hey weren't you just at the Nokia theatre?"
"Yeah why?" I wash off my hands and head back over to her to see the Nokia theatre in the background with a reporter explaining that two people had been hospitalized after an accident backstage. "Oh my god! I hope Andrews okay!" I pick up my phone without a second thought and call him, thanking god when he picks up on the second ring.
"Oh my god are you alright what happened?"
"Yeah I'm fine the band is fine, how did you know?"
"It's on the news it just says that too people were hospitalised after an accident on set."
"Yeah something malfunctions and two of our tech guys were caught in the backlash of it. I don't know if we are going able to perform tomorrow, we are down a major tech person and our photographer." I can hear the anxiety in his voice.
"What type of tech is it?"
He lists some techy stuff which I write down and hand to autumn asking if she knows how to use it.
"Yeah this is what I normally work with. "
Andrew who has been patiently waiting finally asks me why I wanted to know.
"Well I'm a photographer and my friend here knows how to use the gear that you guys have. We are more than willing to help if you want our help."
There's a pause on the line and I wait. "yeah why don't you two come down tomorrow morning and we will get you guys all set up here, they are cleaning up the mess here right now and we have to go down to the hospital. Thank you Aria."
"Yeah it's no problem, and hey don't stress about it too much everything will work out."
"Okay I'll talk to you later, bye."
"Bye Andrew" I hang up and turn to Autumn, it looks like we are working at the concert tomorrow.

••••••AUTHORS NOTE: okay so do you guys want to see more parts in Andrews point of view? Cliff hangers are so much fun. So to elaborate the crash heard at the end of Andrews point of view was the accident that was on TV after they called for ambulances. Ooohhhh what's gonna happen, oh wait I'm the author I already know haha. Btw there will be probably be a series of three books total so don't worry.••••••

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