See through

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I manage to get ahold of myself and compose myself briefly.
"Kylee please be quiet!" I try to sink down as I see Andrew and his group being seated not to far away from us. I feel myself sinking lower into the chair trying to become invisible. No no no. Oh my god if Kylee embarrasses me I swear to god I will stuff her in a box and ship her to Antarctica myself. Thankfully Kylee manages to take the hint and every thing calms back down. After drinking way too much tea than should be humanely possible (I love tea don't judge me) I ask a passing waiter for water.
"You seem distracted little voodoo doll, is it that sexy hunk of man back there?" Kylee asks much more casually then she should be able to.
"I'm not distracted.....maybe I'm a little distracted but in my defence I've had a lot on my plate with work, and the concert coming up, and the acceptance letter." I pause as I remember the unopened letter. "oh my god. I forgot about the letter! I have to go, we have to go!" I dig through my small wallet phone case and pull out the appropriate amount of cash and throw it on the table.
"But we haven't even had dessert yet! Aria! Dessert! You know we HAVE to eat dessert, it's like a, like a sin if we don't!" Kylee exclaims.
"You know what I've got a ton of sweets at my place and you can raid the pantry but we've got to go! I need to know what's in the letter, depending on what's in it will determine what I'm going to end up doing." In my rush I get up and knock into the waiter who was bringing my water causing it to rain down on me. I somehow manage to slip on a piece of ice and land on the cement floor. why is it always me?
I just lay there for a second and sigh and close my eyes when someone stands over me blocking the light from overhead.
"Em. Excuse me, you're blocking my light, I need that in order to sulk properly." I don't even bother to open my eyes I've made enough of a fool of myself as it is.
I hear a deep laugh and my eyes shoot open as I recognise the voice, none other than hozier. Damn it.
"Well maybe I can help you out of your sulking." he says as he holds out as hand for me to take.
I stare up at his hand, which is actually very gorgeous in it's own right, it's very long and lean and elegant if that makes any sort of sense. I reach up and am pulled to my feet, shocked by the upward force I'm thrown a bit more than intended and ram into him.
"Oh god, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot."
Once again I hear that laugh. "Don't worry you're perfectly fine, no harm done see but...." he trails off a bit and turns a bit red and looks away.
"Well I'd hate to interrupt this absolutely adorable love birdy moment but Aria your shirt is see through now sooooo." Kylee says sipping at her drink from where she was sitting.
I literally squeak and turn bright red before covering my chest and running to the restroom and hide in a stall. I'm such an idiot, a complete idiot and now Andrew has gotten more than an eyeful and oh god it just had to be today that I wore a white shirt. I bang my head on the stall when I hear someone enter the bathrooms.
"Aria? It's Kylee. The guy, Andrew he gave me his jacket for you since we don't have one. Aria please come out, it can't be that bad. I mean sure he got a sneak peak at your bra but I mean who wouldn't, even covered in water you look hot. And it's not like he could actually see your boobs, just the bra. And please explain to me why you would wear a black bra with a white shirt!" I can hear Kylee pacing across the batch room as she talks.
"Not that bad? I practically flashed Andrew Hozier Byrne. yeah Hozier! And it's not like I planned on getting drenched in water so that the stupid shirt became see through!" In practically in tears by the time I finish talking.
Kylee's voice softens as she talks again. "hey don't be upset, you have to hold yourself high and get back on that horse. yeah it was unfortunate but you know what I think he likes you, he definitely liked the view-"
I cut her off "KYLEE!"
"What? It's true, I have way more guy experience than you do. what it's been at least 5 years since you've been on a date and even longer since you've had a boyfriend. Now come out here and we will see if I can't make this work."
I reluctantly come out of the stall and see that she wasn't lying about the jacket. Kylee just stares. "that bad?"
"Uh. Well I've seen worse than put on the jacket."
I put on the jacket and it's almost comically big on me. "better now Kylee?"
"Not really but it will work come on let's go and get you home I think you've had enough for today. By the way he handed me this little note thing to give to you before he left with his buddies."
I look up at Kylee when she says that and try to get the said note which was written on a piece of paper but an too short to reach it.
"Nope not so quick miss voodoo, you have to wait until we get back to your place and you are changed."
On the ride back I finally have a moment to truly appreciate the fact that I'm wearing one of his jackets, it's warm and it still smells of him. musky but in a good way, an extremely sexy way. And it's that smell and the hum of the car that lures me into sleep.

••••••••••Authors note: okay so I know this is a bit slow but I really want to build the relationship and not rush it, but in the future the plot can go several ways depending on whether or not you guys ever want an emmm sexier dirtier part of the story sooooo comment what you like and heads up that is FARRRRR in the future of the book don't think I won't torment you. sorry for not updating sooner I will try to post more regularly.•••••••••••

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