Car doors and maybe too close?

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I finally manage to calm myself down a bit and regain my composure. I know I have to focus on the job at hand now, to wake up Autumn. She is horrible at waking up, although I'm probably worse. I grab a broom from the closet in the hall and walk over to where Autumn was peacefully slumbering.
She looks so sweet and innocent, so quiet. I almost don't want to wake her. Almost.
I stand close to the door grabbing a discarded pillow as a shield and poke at autumn with the broom.
"Wakey, wakey Autumn!" Nothing happens. I try again poking her harder and all she does is groan and roll over.
Suddenly I get an idea. I drop everything and go into my office and look at the various instruments lined around the room. I pick up my violin and the bow and walk back to where autumn is sleeping. I raise the violin up and set the bow right above the string before launching into a medley of songs from her favourite movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. It doesn't take long for Autumn to bolt up. At least she doesn't look like she wants to murder me.
"Come on we've got to get ready and head down to the venue and get to work. Hurry up you have thirty minutes." I quickly leave and get myself together, before heading into my office grabbing my gear and sort together a file of my work. I check the time on my phone and see I still have ten minutes.
I quickly scribble a note for Kaylee and find Autumn ready to go and sitting on the couch.
"Ready?" I ask throwing my rather clunky messenger bag and backpack over my shoulder.
"Always. Do we have time for coffee? This is way too early for me."
"If we go now and don't hit traffic we will."
We both hop into my car, dumping everything in the back and I check the trunk to make sure all my camera gear is there and head out.
Luckily we don't hit any traffic on the way over although we did have a little scuffle over the music but my law still stands, driver picks the music shotgun shuts his (or in this case her) piehole. I happily find a Starbucks with a drive through and order us both our normal coffees and some muffins.
It doesn't take much longer for us to reach the venue. Autumn automatically hops out but I hesitate remembering what happened and turning red remembering this morning.
"Aria are you coming?" autumn looks at me.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." My stomach feels sick. Okay if I just act normal and not mention it maybe he'll just never bring it up and everything will just work out.
I get out of the car and see a tall figure approaching, even from this far away it's not that hard to tell that it's Andrew. I mean come on he's freaking 6'5".
"Hey Aria." He turns to a very excited Autumn. "And this must be Autumn then right?"
"In the flesh." she responds shooting him a smile. He smiles back before addressing the both of us.
"Ehm, you both can bring in your gear and then we can go and find my manager. She's around here somewhere." We both nod and head around to the back of the car to get our gear.
I'm digging through my trunk trying to get the stupid backpack unstuck from where one of the ties caught on a tripod when an arm reaches around me and quickly untangles the backpack chord. I nearly jump from fright.
"Andrew! You nearly gave me a heart attack! You scared the living shit out of me!" I lean against the side of the car as I talk.
"Ehm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to help." He runs a hand through his hair nervously.
"It's alright, thank you for the help though who knows how long it would have taken me to untangle those." I realise exactly how close we are now, and get flustered blushing I quickly grab my backpack and move around Andrew to shut the trunk door but I can't reach. Damn it.
I try jumping to reach the handle to pull down the door but I'm still too short. I hear Andrew laughing before he comes up behind me again and pulls down the door. Now don't get me wrong I love the help but does he really have to stand that close to me I can feel his jacket brushing up against my back wen he reaches up (not that I'm complaining but still the point stands, Andrew standing that close = very flustered Aria). He doesn't make a move to back away even when I turn around to face him.
"Thank you again." I shift uncomfortably.
"You're very welcome Aria." He shoots a smile and is about to say something when his phone goes off. He walks off a bit and has a quick conversation.
I can't tell what they're saying but from the look on his face it can't be that great. He's smiling though when he comes back to talk to us.
He picks up my backpack and before I can protest walks inside gesturing for us to follow.
Autumn looks at me and laughs "Wow bit trouble already Aria? I thought I would have had to trip you into him to get you two standing that close to each other"
Even though I know he can't hear us from this distance (for once I thank god for his fast walking pace because of his long legs) I still shush her. "Shut up Autumn!" She shoots me a cocky grin.
"Aw come on you know you enjoyed it! And from the looks of it so did he." She speeds up and walks away before I can protest anymore.
What in heaven and hell did she mean by that. I guess I'll just have to find out. I quicken my pace and if doesn't take me long to get inside the building.

••••••okay so sorry for not updating I've been taking finals and it's hell but a few special shoutouts to @MeghanLovelace0 and @mariahp88 for their comments encouraging me to update (sorry no I won't accept souls but I do accept skittles as fair payments for updates) haha love you all and thanks for the reads. Feel free to comment ideas, thoughts, suggestions, or theories on what you think will happen next. you may just find one of your ideas in the story somewhere (cred is always given) and I hope you guys caught my little supernatural reference hehe -Your Author Cat•••••

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