Cant sleep?

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The next few days fly past. A load of papers and traveling. I'll admit it's odd being in a bus most of the time, even worse when you count the fact that Andrew is trying to avoid me. I mean there's only so long you can avoid people when in a confined space with them, something is bound to go wrong.
To be honest the only time I really get to myself is when everyone else is asleep on the bus and I'm in the main section on my laptop. I like it that way, no one bothers me and I can read in peace while regathering my thoughts from a long day of social exhaustion being around so many people at once for such long periods of time.
I check the time on my phone and see it's already three am. Part of me craves sleep but the other wants to just stay awake and finish one more chapter. I'm so close to the end of the book. I get up to make myself a cup of tea before starting the next chapter when a very tired looking Andrew shuffles into where I'm at.
"You're up early." I comment softly looking up at him.
"I could say the same to you." Still as sassy as ever even when half asleep.
"I have an excuse though. Normally you aren't up and about right now."
"And what's this genius excuse of yours?" His voice is soft and low as to not wake the others but there's something else that I can't quite place.
"Ehm." My "genius excuse" decided not to come to mind for a second. "I'm an insomniac and I'm reading a book and it's getting good. You've heard my excuse now so what's yours?" My tea finishes up and I pour both of us some.
"I couldn't sleep." He takes the cup I hold out to him. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
We both just stand their for a few seconds with no one saying anything before he talks. "So what book are you reading?"
"Oh ehm Atlas. Have you read it?"
"No I can't say I have. Let's go sit down." I nod and follow him into the seating area where my laptop was. "So what is this book about?"
"A lot of different things, it's one of those books you can't really describe, you just have to read it."
"Ah that makes sense."
It's silent again so I start reading while nursing my tea. It stays that way for a few minutes before I feel warm breath on the back of my neck and hands on my shoulders. I look back surprised and see him standing really close to me intently staring at my computer screen reading the text.
I'm shocked but I don't want it to stop, whatever it is. "Ehm Andrew? Wouldn't it make more sense to start from the beginning?"
He looks at me studying me with intently. "You're right come here."
He pulse me up to my feet and grabs the laptop setting it on a near by table before settling down on the couch pulling me down with him so I'm practically on his lap and he grabs the laptop and goes back to the beginning. With the laptop on my lap he's reaching around me and leaning over my shoulder to look at the screen and I'm sure I'm bright red.
Then he does something more surprising and begins to quietly read the book out loud to me while we both settle down on the couch.
Somehow I have a feeling this isn't just a one time thing.

••••okay sorry for not posting so here's two chapters and maybe another one today depending on whether or not it gets edited who knows! Thanks to those who are sticking with my extremely irregular posting times I'm sorry!!! ••••

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