Thats not fair!

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After a while everything started to fall into a routine. We would travel, perform, Andrew would do interviews, and we would be off again unless we were there for a few days. The schedule changed around depending on what was happening but one of the few consistencies was Andrew and I reading at night when everyone else was asleep.
At least the tension is gone and we are more comfortable around each other, but now I'm just confused. It's little things he will do that I can't tell if he's being friendly or actually interested in me, that's a crazy thought right there. Why in the world would Andrew like me?
All my thoughts become jumbled up in my head as I clean my camera. I set it down in frustration. Ever since we've joined onto their tour Autumn has become very busy and gets along great with everyone else so I don't really talk to her all that much. And while everyone else specifically the girls are nice there's just some wall and we don't really talk either. To be honest the only one I ever really talk to is Andrew and that's in the middle of the night and since we are currently in hotel rooms that's not happening. I need to get out, go somewhere, do something. I might as well considering we are currently stopped in San Diego for a few days.
I quickly change and grab my bag putting one of my smaller cameras in it before heading out.
It's not until I'm down in the lobby that I get caught.
"Aria where are you going?" Andrew looks at me as he matches his pace to mine to walk out with me.
"I'm not really sure, I'll probably just stroll around shops on the boardwalk, go down by the beach, and if I get hungry I'll get something to eat before going back and resting in the hotel." I look up at him to gauge his response.
"Can I join you? If it's not a bother that is. I understand if you don't want me to tag along. I just need a little break from working on music right now."
"No it's fine. It'd be nice to have some company."
The walk to the boardwalk was fairly short and we both chatted lightly about touring and music and books. The only lull in the conversation was when we were approaching the boardwalk and I made a remark about the nice weather.
After about four hours of us browsing in an out if various stores and me taking a few pictures here and there down at the beach we are finally hungry enough to search for food.
"It's gorgeous here isn't it? Everyplace we've been to has been so different." I remark looking into the windows of various stores some selling jewelry, others little seashells and other bobbles.
"It is very beautiful but I have to say in a way I miss Ireland." He sighs and continues. "Don't get me wrong it's amazing to travel and everywhere is so unique and alive, but we are on the road so long..."
"I understand Andrew. Don't you have a break coming up soon too? So you'll get to go home for a little bit."
"Yeah in about a month and a half. It'll be nice to relax for a bit. So where did you want to eat there's some food places up ahead." He changes the subject pretty quickly but I'm not going to push it.
"Ehm well it's up to you really I don't really mind."
After a bit more walking he decided on a small little seaside café. I have to say that the day went pretty well. While we are waiting for our food I'm browsing through my camera looking at pictures I took while Andrew is on his phone when he speaks up.
"May I see? If you don't mind." He asks softly.
"Yeah go ahead." I hand over the camera an watch as he scrolls through them. He smiles as he stops on certain ones.
"These are amazing Aria. I knew you were a great photographer but if I had known you were this good I would have tried to bump into you sooner." He looks up at me and smiles.
"Thanks Andrew, it means a lot." I smile.
After a while I'm staring off into space when I eat my camera go off. I look over startled and see Andrew sheepishly grinning at me from behind the camera.
I laugh at Andrews explanation and take back the camera to look at the picture. "Andrew if I knew you were this good of a photographer I would have tried to bump into you sooner." I laugh using his words from earlier. He laughs too and I snap a picture while he's laughing.
"Hey that's not fair!" He's still laughing as he tries to get the camera. "You get to take pictures of me all the time."
I'm laughing too "that's my job you dork."
Once we finally settle down he starts to talk again. "Aria I had something to ask you."


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