Chapter 462

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Meanwhile, upstairs with Jay:
Jay's POV
: As I stand on the back porch of our cabin, I sigh considering this is not really where I want to be right now. I would rather be in Chicago getting our home ready for the baby. However, that wasn't possible because we didn't have a home. It (along with Matt and Gabby's home) burned down. Now, we are here at the cabin to regroup. I am just glad that we aren't alone. We have each other and we also have our friends/neighbors here with us to get through all of this drama together. That's when I heard Matt come upstairs. "Jay?" 

Turning around to look at him, I sighed. "Hey." He then walked over to me and sighed. "PTSD or just having a rough morning?" That's when I heard Champ come up the stairs from going to the washroom. "A combination of both. I remembered the house in flames and stuff." Matt sighed when I said that because I could tell he was probably thinking of the same thing. "Honestly, it's hard on me too. I had these dreams of all the wonderful memories that me and Gabby were going to make there with Louie and the twins. Their first steps and everything."

I nodded when he said that. "You are probably taking this a lot harder then me though considering you are a firefighter." Matt sighed and nodded. "Not just that. It's also because this is the second home that my family has lost in the past few months." I was confused when he said that. "What?" Matt then looked at me, realizing that I thought he meant his and Gabby's family. "Oh, I mean family in general. My niece and her dad lost their home too." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "I'm sorry about that. How are they doing? Have a new place?"

Matt nodded when I asked him that. "Yeah, they do. By the way, I hate to even ask this but...what are you going to do when it comes to replacing your military medals? Is there a way that you can get those replaced?" I sighed when he asked me that. "I haven't even thought that far. I was thinking of going to the beach though. I need to clear my head." Matt nodded and agreed with me. "How about I join you? We can throw the football around or something. That helps me when I am having hard times like this." I thought about it and agreed. "Breakfast first?"

Matt smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "You making breakfast or are we both making it?" I laughed and smiled when he said that. "We are making it together. Sure, I am the host but if you don't contribute to the food bills...then you are at least going to contribute to making meals." Matt agreed with me when I said that. "While we're here...we can split the bills equally okay?" I nodded when he said that and smiled when we made our way into the kitchen. "What do Gabby and Louie want for breakfast just curious?" Matt then smiled. "About Louie."

I looked at him when he said that. "What's wrong?" Matt then laughed. "Me and Gabby were just wondering if you guys would mind watching him and the twins for a bit? I want to just get out of here and clear my head. We've had a rough month. I was thinking of taking Gabby to the beach this morning. We'll be back by lunch and then we were going to use the pool with them. I mean, if you guys don't have anything else to do. Or if it's not a bother." That's when I heard Erin come downstairs. "Honestly, it's no bother Matt. We aren't going anywhere anyways. You guys?"

Matt then laughed. "I was hoping to take Gabby to the beach. If you guys agree to babysit the twins and Louie, then we can go to the beach...just the two of us. It'll give you guys practice and it'll give me and Gabby some time alone." Erin nodded and smiled. "By the way, I am so sorry that you guys lost your home." Going to hug him, Erin just held him close. "The same to you guys too. I am sorry we couldn't save more of it." Erin then smiled as she backed up. "I am just glad that I already put in a request to get all of Jay's military medals replaced."

Turning to look at her, I was a bit shocked. "You did?" Erin nodded and smiled at me. "Of course I did Jay. You earned those medals and deserve to have them for when you wear your dress uniform. By the way, I already told the CPD that they are going to need to get us more. But yeah, we are still going to the beach later." Matt nodded and agreed. "As long as you guys watch the kids for us this morning, we are all good with that. I just need time with my girl." Matt then went to grab some water out of the fridge before grabbing some eggs. "Egg sandwiches?" I nodded and agreed with him, smiling. "That sounds great."

Erin then went to look at me. "Listen, I am going to go take a shower okay?" I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Sure thing. I will be here with Matt making breakfast." She agreed and smiled, walking over to me before kissing me quickly. "I love you, see you soon." Walking away to take a shower, I slapped her butt quickly while smirking. Erin then turned around to look at me and just shook her head. "God, you are such a tease!" I laughed when she said that. "Look who's talking. You are pregnant and just wearing your underwear and my t-shirt!" Matt then laughed and shook his head. "Let's just cook." 

I agreed and nodded when he said that, joining him in the kitchen to make breakfast.

15 minutes later when breakfast is ready:
Matt's POV: As I finish making me, Gabby and Louie some plates for breakfast, I smiled at Jay who was in the middle of making him and Erin some plates. "I am going downstairs okay? How long do you guys want alone before you think you guys can watch the kids?" Jay then thought about that. "I would say give us at least 30 minutes okay?" I nodded when he said that. "I'll give you 45 because that's how long it takes us to eat normally." Jay laughed and agreed with me. "Of course. Say good morning to Gabby and send me a text when you are ready to go, I'll come down to the living room. I would rather not you accidentally walk in on me and Erin if we get started."

I laughed when he said that and agreed with him. "By the way, you do not expose my kids to that while we are gone. If we do's one thing. But your pants stay on in front of my daughter ok!" Jay nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "Of course man, I understand." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "Thanks, now I am going downstairs so that I can give Gabby this food." Jay agreed and nodded before watching me walk away to go have some breakfast with Gabby and Louie in the basement of his family's cabin.

Cabin Life: A Dawsey-Linstead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now