Chapter 492

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished cleaning up the kids (and I finished changing my pants since they were a bit dirty), we both made our way up with the twins so that we could have breakfast. "Hey, you okay with me maybe having a bit of coffee this morning or am I still banned?" Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "Am I still breastfeeding the twins?" I nodded when she said that. "Then there's your answer as to whether you are still banned from having coffee." I nodded when she said that and agreed with her. "Sorry." Gabby then laughed.

"Here, give me Hannah and I am going to go sit in the living room with Erin okay? I am pretty sure that she must've known what the boys did to the kids last night." Erin then shook her head from the living room. "Nope, I was stuck in bed last night because I wasn't feeling good. I ate something that the twins didn't like and I was throwing up part of the night." I then sighed when she said that. "Was that why Jay was a bit distracted when it came to the kids and diapers?"

Jay sighed when he heard me ask that. "I'm sorry but yes...I was a bit more concerned about how my wife was feeling instead of putting all of my attention towards your kids." I then looked at Gabby when he said that. "Gabby, can we forgive him then?" Gabby nodded as she went to sit down with Erin. "However, not Will." I agreed with him when she said that. That's when I saw Louie at the table and smiled as I went to kiss his head. "Hey bud, you enjoy last night?"

Louie nodded when I asked him that and smiled. "I missed you and mommy though." I nodded when he said that and smiled. "Well today, you are going to spend all day with us. How does that sound?" Louie smiled when I said that. He then got up and went to hug me and I just smiled. "I am sure that we are going to have a great day. It's supposed to rain so maybe we can read some of the books we brought with us okay bud? We can call uncle Severide too and talk to him." Louie nodded when I said that. "Please daddy!" I smiled and nodded before picking him up.

Going to hold him in my arms, I smiled at him. "Yes, we are going to call him...I promise. And we are going to read to you in bed. We are going to have a bunch of fun as a family. But later, we are also going to have supper with Jay, Erin and Will okay?" He nodded when I said that. "As long as you promise not to leave me alone with them again,. I missed you and Jay doesn't give hugs like you do daddy." I smiled when he said that and went to kiss the top of his head. "Nobody gives hugs like your daddy do they bud?" He shook his head when I asked him that. "No."

I smiled at him and then went to kiss his head. "I love you bud." He agreed with me and smiled when I said that. "I love you too daddy." Looking at his food, I smiled as I decided to go sit on the chair he was using. Grabbing his plate,  I went to bring it close to us before watching as Louie grabbed his fork to start eating. "At least you gave him the right fork. We aren't ready for him to start using big boy forks yet." Jay agreed and nodded. "I didn't want to end up in the hospital."

Gabby turned her head and looked at us all when he said that. "Wait, did any of the kids have to go to the hospital last night?" I shook my head and told her to breathe. "He is talking about what type of fork that he made sure Louie used last night. He didn't want to have to go to the hospital last night. He was talking about taking preventative measures and he made sure that Louie ate with the fork we told Jay that he ate with." Gabby nodded when I said that and took a breath.

Turning to look at the brothers, I sighed and just shook my head. "You guys really screwed up this vacation for us. Now, I am going to need to invite Antonio and my sister up here if I ever want to get another night away with just Gabby. Well that and we are going to have to go back to Chicago a couple times since we need to find a new place to live. We haven't decided between the firehouse and a new place." Jay then looked at me and smiled. "We can go together and share a realtor maybe. We could get places close to one another again like last time."

Will then turned to look at him. "Actually, I would rather you guys try and find a place closer to where I live." Jay was confused when I said that. "Why?" Will then sighed. "Jay, it's just the three of us now. I am your only family left. You have no in-laws and I am the only person you can trust to be able to take your kids if there was an emergency at a moment's notice." Jay then looked at him when he said that and hadn't even thought about that. "Wow, that is actually something I don't like." Will was confused when he said that. "What's wrong with me being the last person you can trust now?"

Jay sighed when he asked him that. "It just means that our extended family has gotten so small that we literally only have you. I mean, no cousins or anything. Heck, I almost want to just call Matt my brother." I nodded when he said that. "Jay, me and Gabby are definitely going to be there for you guys. You are going to need advice when it comes to raising kids...and who better to get advice on raising twins than the only other couple you know that actually has twins?"

Jay laughed and agreed with me. "Sorry Will but, he has a point." Will agreed with him. "Fine but, I get to visit whenever I want." Jay shook his head. "Hell no, we are not going to have an open door policy right now. Right now, if you want to visit...I need a negative COVID test and you need to quarantine for at least a day. By the way, on the day that Erin gives need to give me a negative COVID test before you even get anywhere near your niece and nephew."

Going to grab some of the pancakes he made, Jay went to give me a plate of food. "And I am not joking about that considering the circumstances...we actually just learned that there was another COVID death in our extended family last night." I got concerned when he said that. "Who was it Jay? I hope it wasn't anybody that you are close to." Jay shook his head. "Oh, it isn't. It was Erin's mom bunny fletcher." Erin then looked at him. "Say what now? Why is this the first I am just wearing of the fact that my biological mother died?" Jay then bit his lip, scared.

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