How are you okay with this?

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"Matt, be honest with must hate this. How are you okay with this?" -Gabby

Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me to be honest with her regarding how much I hate this, I knew that I didn't have a choice in the matter. She was going to be able to tell whether I am lying and telling the truth because I was not okay with this. "Gabby, let me just start with this...I am never going to be okay with this! Someone burned down our home and could have possibly put my family's safety at risk! Had I lost any of you in that fire, I would've lost it. So, that helps a bit."

Gabby nodded when I said that and went to kiss me. "I'm here Matt. We're all here in your arms." I nodded when she said that before looking down at Louie. Kissing his forehead, I smiled at him. "And I am so grateful for that. I wouldn't know where I would be right now without you are my rock and I rely on your more than you will ever know." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "I feel the same way Matt." I smiled when she said that. Looking down at Louie, I just went to rub his back so that he stayed asleep right now.

Gabby looked at me when I did that and then went to grab my hand. "Honestly, you have no idea how attractive it is when you are holding our kids on your chest." I smiled and agreed with her while intertwining our fingers. I then went to lean in and kissed her softly before just smiling at her. "I feel the same way when it comes to you feeding our kids. By the way, you might want to go get your pump a make a few bottles." Gabby then went to look at her shirt. "Oh shoot."

Looking down at her shirt, Gabby got a bit embarrassed. I could tell because she just blushed a bit. "Hey, no need to blush babe. I in fact like it when you are leaking because it reveals a bit of your breast through your shirt." Gabby then went to slap my arm when I said that and just smiled at me. Leaning over me, she went to kiss me softly and then went to kiss Louie's head. "I swear, you sir are going to be trouble. Promise me that you do not use that potty mouth of yours when Louie is awake. I would rather he not listen to what we are saying. It's inappropriate."

That's when Louie opened his eyes and looked at Gabby. "What does inappropriate mean mommy?" Gabby then looked at him. "It means stuff that you shouldn't hear." She then went to kiss his forehead and just looked at me. "Oh relax, he is going to hear it eventually. May I remind you that Jay and Erin's bedroom is right above ours." That's when we started to hear the bed move a bit. Gabby just laughed because she heard it too. "God, they are really going at it."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Hey, grief makes you do crazy things. Remember what we did while we were grieving for Boden?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Oh yeah, I remember. Might I just say that you were really good." I smiled when she said that before watching as she grabbed her pump. Taking off her shirt, she came to get in bed with me before plugging the pump in. Looking at it, Louie looked really confused as to what it was. "Mommy, what is this machine?" Gabby then went to look at him. "It's called a breast pump. It helps mommy make milk."

I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Can I help you make milk?" Gabby nodded and went to look at the machine. Going to make sure she was all ready to pump, she pointed to a button. "Can you push that button for mommy?" Louie nodded and then went to push the button to start the pump. "Look Louie, see this white stuff?" Louie nodded. "It's milk. Pretty cool that your mommy can make this for your siblings? This is what they eat because they can't drink the milk you drink yet. They are too young and need to have special milk that only I can make."

That's when I realized something...we need a fridge. "Hey, I am going to see if they have a fridge for us in here." Gabby was confused when I said that. "Why exactly?" I then smiled. "We need to keep the milk cold somehow." Gabby agreed with me and nodded when I said that. "Right, that makes sense." Looking at Louie, I smiled at him. "How about you lay down in my spot bud? I will be right back. But right now, I need to go talk to Will." Louie agreed and nodded when I said that. "Okay daddy." Getting off, he moved so that I could do the same.

Quickly leaning over Gabby, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "Be back soon." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as I went to walk away so that I could go talk to them about a possible fridge that me and Gabby could use for the breastmilk. 

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