It Was Arson

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"They just ruled the fire at our house arson and I am partially to blame." -Matt

Gabby's POV: When Matt said that they just ruled the fire at our house arson, I was shocked. But not was shocked as when he said that he was partially to blame (which he most certainly wasn't). "Matt, don't you dare say are not to blame for us loosing our home. I never want to hear you say that again!" Matt then sighed as he turned to look at me. "But I was to blame Gabby. They told me who it was and I was the reason why."  I was confused when he said that. "Okay, slow down and please try and explain this to me Matt...why are you saying this?"

Matt then sighed as he looked at me. "You remember Jimmy Borelli?" I nodded when he said that. "Wait, was he the one that did it?" Matt sighed nodded when I asked him that. "Yeah, and his motive? It was because I didn't accept him at Firehouse 71. I got to personally accept or deny any applications. Since they had new spots, we opened it to any current or former graduates of the CFD Academy who wanted to work at the new house. Jimmy applied and I flat out denied his request because I felt like it was wrong. Firehouse 71 is Boden's house and he was a jerk to him."

I sighed when Matt said that because I knew that I was going to have a hard time convincing him that he was not to blame for us loosing our home. "Matt, you and Delaney made those decisions together. You need to promise me that you are not going to blame yourself for this. Matt, you are a VICTIM in this scenario because just like lost your home too. Babe, please do not think for a minute that this is your fault." Matt sighed and nodded when I said that. "I am going to try my best okay? It is just hard to think that something I did might've caused this. One decision."

I looked at him and sighed. "Matt, you don't think I know how you feel? Maybe had I not gone into the firehouse that day...maybe I wouldn't have had the twins so early!" Matt looked at me when I said that. "Hey, you can't blame yourself for that babe." I sighed and looked at him. "I know's still hard to believe that there was nothing I could've done to stop me from going into actual labor that early." Matt nodded when I said that before bringing me close to him. "Listen, I will make you a stop blaming yourself for the fire, I will do the same."

Matt sighed when I said that and nodded while going to look down at Louie. "I will for this guy's sake." That's when I saw that he was asleep on his chest. "He must've been tired but just wanted to sleep in our bed." Matt nodded when I said that before putting his hand on Louie's back. Matt then smiled as he went to kiss his forehead and just held him close. "He is so adorable. The way he just lays down close to us and cuddles up to both you and the twins always puts a smile on my face. It's like he was meant to be our son." I nodded when he said that, grabbing his hand.

"Honestly...I have felt that way ever since I met him. I just had this instant attraction to him that made me feel like I was always meant to be his mom." Matt nodded and smiled at me. "I am just sorry that I wasn't on board right away. I should have been and I am so sorry." I smiled when he said that and nodded. "But had you not been on board right away...then maybe we wouldn't have gotten married in such an unconventional way." Matt smiled when I said that. "I am still committed to giving you the wedding of your dreams. You deserve it Gabby."

I smiled when he said that and nodded. "Right now, all I want though is for us to be safe. We can think about our dream wedding another time okay Matt?" Matt smiled and agreed with me. "Of course. Plus, we have to wait until those two over there can walk. That little boy of ours is going to be the most adorable ring bearer and that little girl of mine...sorry ours is going to be the most adorable flower girl." I smiled when he said that and agreed with him. "God, that is going to be a lot of fun. When do you want to start planning?" Matt then bit his lip, thinking about it.

"I think we should wait. Gabby, we have a lot going on this year. And remember that their birth was pretty traumatic. I want to just wait until next year maybe. Or at least when COVID is done. That way, we don't have to worry about it." I sighed when he said that. "What if COVID is never over Matt? What if we are stuck living this way for the rest of our lives?" Matt sighed when I asked him that and then looked into my eyes. "Then, we adapt to our new reality." I bit my lip when he said that. "Matt, be honest with must hate this. How are you okay with this?"

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