Chapter 472

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Matt's POV: After making my way back downstairs (and closing the door to our room), I smiled when I set the food down on the bed before deciding to get undressed again. Gabby was currently just wearing her bra and underwear since we didn't plan on leaving bed again today. Well, she didn't at least. I couldn't say the same about me considering I was the one who was doing the food prep for our family. "So, I have some news regarding something." Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that. "Good news or bad news?" I laughed when she asked me that. "Goodish news. Apparently, Will is going to be here for a few days to get away from all the sickness, pain and suffering he has seen at the hospital recently. He has tested negative for COVID so...we should be okay. He is going to stay upstairs next to Jay & Erin,. Louie's good here."

Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled as she went to grab the sandwich that I made her. Going to cuddle up to me, Gabby smiled as we held each other close again. "As long as we are safe....that's all that matters to me." I nodded when she said that because I was in complete agreement with her. "I feel the same way. I swear, if he brings..." Gabby then stopped me when I said that. "We are not going to think that way because that is going to make me change my mind as to whether this is a good idea and we may instead go live with my brother. You want that?"

I shook my head when Gabby said that and just laughed. "No, I do not. Please do not make me do that." She agreed and smiled at me. "I promise that I won't." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "Good, because I do not want to have to go live with him either." Smiling as I went to grab a bite of my sandwich, I looked at the twins and remembered something...I was missing my cuddling partner. "Keep your sandwich in your hand for a minute?" Gabby was confused when I asked her that. "Why?" I then smiled as I went to walk over to grab Hannah from her crib again. "Because I was missing my cuddling partner. My baby girl."

Gabby laughed when I said that. "I thought I was your cuddling partner." Turning to look at her, I smiled. "You are my other cuddling partner. However, this little girl here is my forever cuddling partner. I mean, you said it yourself that you love it when I am holding her on my chest and kissing the top of her head." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as she got close to me again. Tugging the blankets up, she held me close and went to take another bit of her sandwich. "Promise me that you are going to put her back in her crib when you are done eating?" I looked at her when she said that. "Why exactly?" Gabby then smiled at me. "As cute as it is that you are cuddling with her...I would like to just be held in your arms and take a nap. I've had trouble..."

I then went to finish her sentence. "Sleeping?" I nodded when she said that. "Yeah, I figured. I felt you get up a few times in the middle of the night and have been meaning to say something but...I wasn't sure when the right time was." Going to kiss her softly, I just sighed. "Then let's eat babe and then we can hold each other. I promise that we can take a nap after we eat. I also brought a sandwich down for Louie on another plate." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Then maybe you shouldn't have closed the door." I sighed when she said that because she was right. "I'll open it when we are done eating." Gabby nodded when I said that, agreeing with me.

Going to take another bite of my sandwich, I smiled as I held my girls close to me while eating lunch in bed. But what I was really ready for was just the chance to hold Gabby close in bed and take a breather. We have been hit hard over the past few months and that's what we need.

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