Chapter 493

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Jay's POV: When Erin asked me about he mother dying, I sighed because this was not how I wanted to tell her. I was going to do it after breakfast when we were alone. It just slipped for some reason because I got talking to Will...and I jet let my mouth run so, now I am in trouble. Walking over to her, I went to put my hand out and sighed. "Can we just go talk on the back porch for a minute? I will tell you how I found out and you can ask me questions if you want to." Erin nodded when I said that before going to grab my hand. Helping her up, I went to intertwine our fingers before stepping close to her. "Listen, I am sorry that I didn't tell you until now." Erin nodded when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Back porch, now please."

Erin nodded and then went to walk away with me. Meanwhile, Matt looked at me. "That another reason why..." I sighed and nodded. "And I am sorry about that." He agreed as me and Erin both made our way onto the back porch. Opening the patio door for her, I went to let her out before letting Champ out and going to close the patio door behind us. "Go to the washroom Champ." Champ when went to run away while I led Erin to the railing. Standing next to it, Erin turned to look at me while stepping close to me. Putting her hand on her hip, I sighed. "I'm sorry."

Erin sighed when I said that and just looked at me. "How long have you known before telling me?" I sighed and looked at her. "Only since last night. Maybe I mumbled it in my sleep or something...that might be why I thought I mentioned it." Erin nodded when I said that. "It's not like we had that close of a relationship anyways." I nodded when she said that before bringing her close to me again. Putting my hands on her hips, I felt Erin wrap her arms around my shoulders. "Erin, she was still your mom. I would understand if you wanted to grieve a bit."

Holding me close, Erin looked into my eyes before shaking her head. Kissing me, Erin just smiled as I put my hands next to her on the railing. Erin then went to kiss me again as we took it slow with each other. "Jay, I am just shocked instead of mad. I mean, for both of my parents to die this year is hard. I mean, Hank's death of course was harder but...I am not feeling the same emotions when it comes to Bunny. However, do you mind asking if you didn't tell me for a reason. Babe, I know you said that you thought you told me...but we both know that is a bunch of bull."

I (unfortunately) laughed when she said that and nodded while bringing her closer to me. Putting my hands on her stomach, I went to rub her baby bump. "I guess I was worried about you being overcome with emotions again. You are pregnant and your hormones are everywhere at times so...I didn't know what it was going to do to you. I know that sounds horrible but, I thought I was going the right thing when it came to it because I thought I was protecting you from having to go through unnecessary heartbreak since it wasn't was your mom." 

Wrapping her arm around my head, Erin then went to grab the back of my neck before kissing me softly. "I swear, sometimes it is so hard to be mad at you because you have amazing reasons as to why you don't want to tell me things. You are so caring and honestly...if we were in bed right now, I think my hands would be all over you and I would be begging you to make love to me." I laughed when she said that and agreed with her. Going to bend down and kiss her neck softly, I went to whisper to her. "I am not opposed to the idea of taking you to bed and having some intimate time with you under the sheets. I mean, Matt and Gabby got it last night...I think it's our turn to have it now don't you?" Erin laughed when I said that and agreed with me.

Picking Erin up in my arms, I went to set her down on the railing and smiled at her while putting my hands on her stomach again. "We doing it before or after my workout?" Erin smiled when she asked me that. "You already go for your morning what with Champ?" I then shook my head when she asked me that. "Not yet, you want to join me?" Erin then smiled when I said that. "What do you say we go to the lake? We can play with Champ as he runs in the water...meanwhile we can make out in the water." Matt then yelled. "AND I GET REVENGE!"

I then sighed when he said that, seeing Matt at the door. "Just coming to check on you guys. We want to know whether we are having breakfast together or if you would rather be alone." I sighed when he asked us that. Helping Erin down, I went to wrap my arm around her. "Can I tell him? Maybe it will ensure that he doesn't come get revenge on us. Babe, you deserve a bit of time with me to clear your head after what I just told you." Erin nodded when I said that. Putting my hand on her back, I sighed. "Erin's mom just died of COVID-19." Matt then looked at her.

"Oh god, Erin..." He then came to hug her and I could tell that he (honestly) felt bad for her. "Listen, you guys go take your time at the lake and I promise that we won't bother you guys. We are going to take swim in the pool instead." Erin nodded when Matt said that. "I appreciate that Matt. I am still grieving for Hank and now...I am going to have to get over the fact that I am an orphan." Wrapping my arm around Erin, I went to kiss her head and sighed. "You are not an orphan have me and Will. And you will always have me and Will. Go upstairs okay?"

Erin nodded and agreed as she went to walk away. Meanwhile, I just sighed and looked at Matt. "Bad time to tell you guys that me and Gabby are getting married again?" I looked at him when he said that. "What are you talking about?" Matt then sighed. "I proposed to her again last night. We are going to do a vow renewal on our 5th wedding anniversary." I smiled when he said that. "Well, I am glad for you guys. You guys deserve it after all you guys have been through over the past couple years...I genuinely mean it when I say that okay?" Matt nodded and agreed.

"Thank Jay, I appreciate that. Now listen, how about you come get some breakfast for you and Erin and then you can go upstairs." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that before walking in with him so that I could go upstairs and give Erin a bit of comfort when it comes to her mom having just died.

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