«Chapter 5- Execution»

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Warning for h/n/ing


Nagito rose up, and for a delusional moment he thought it was all over already, he's ascended to heaven or whatever afterlife would allow his broken body through the gates.
Until he felt heat, boiling heat all over his body, scorching his flesh, tearing him apart. He was on a tiny wooden platform, ropes tangled around his neck- he had to be 100 metres in the air, he was above everyone, staring down like some cruel God.
He couldn't see what was below him yet.
Fire, burning licks of flames that were gaining on him, racing up the tower.
Monokuma rose above the platform, slicing randomly at Nagito's neck with silver scissors, each time missing and instead hitting a coil of rope, which untangled and flew down to become fuel to the boiling fire.

There was no way he could ever survive this.

Plane crashes, serial killers, but not this.

His luck couldn't save him.

It was all over.

He stepped closer to the edge, his eyes wide, streaming with heartbreak, or maybe it was just the smoke.

Then he screamed something. I don't know what he said. I'll probably never know. I think it started with H.
It could have been Hajime.
It could have been Hope.
It could have been Help.
It could have been Hell.

Nagito screamed, in joy and insanity and cruelty and despair and hope. He closed his eyes, and jumped.



the ropes around his neck streaming down behind him.
He's going to make it.
Have we-?
The ropes around his NECK.


I stare at his broken body, and I let myself fall backwards into deep despair.

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