73) Bloopers

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If this played out as a actual role play here some bloopers I imagine happening. Enjoy a maybe good couple of laughs.

Inpu: hey guys can we pause I don't have my book

Ooo Bryan: pfft- seriously Inpu this is the starting scene of this all this.

Lo'pho: do we have to redo the scene?

Inpu: nope I got the book and I didn't move. Alright let's to this.

Fto Bryan: ok Kay can you count us in?

Kay: ya sure.

Ritchie: no worries-

Flurry: guys I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting from afar but do any of you know where Bryan and Inpu are. I know we are going to do a scene soon but seriously Artemis needs a change

Brandon: god damn it.

-Bryan, Lo'pho, Viper laughing-

Allumos: they should be in the back at Grimshade.

Flurry: thanks sorry for interrupting your meeting.

Davis: although it's at a good point because it interrupted Ritchie

Ritchie: hey!

-even more laugher-

Brandon: ok in all seriousness. Lo'pho can you count us in?

Lo'pho: ya ok let's do this I got some talking to do with Xylo later.

Ritchie: fabulous

Ooo Bryan *fake crying*: my child!

Inpu: I know dear.

Flurry: I kidnapped your child!

Jazz: wow and I thought I was the cruel one.

Bryan: pfft-

Lo'pho: so-

Xylo: hold on.

Nad: oh no what happened?

Xylo: I'm sorry hold on why do I have that. I shouldn't have that!

Nix: pfft-

Nad: Nix! We are trying to do a scene here!

Nix: I'm not sorry!

Cal: guys Khonsu's being a mysterious ass

Khonsu: hey!


Lucas: ok I'm going to be honest I wasn't expecting you to say that.

Cal: just stating a true fact.

Khonsu: says the person who's going to get stabbed later.

Lucas: oh- oh ok we got an angry god.

Galrin: this is entertaining

Lucas: I know Galrin it's too bad no one can hear you yet.

Galrin: just wait for me.

Lucas: that doesn't sound promising

S.R: I'm just going to be like don't touch me low life.

Monty: pfft- ya know that's perfect for you

Drannus: you guys just be like nope fuck this shit

Mori: I mean ya I'd like to keep my skin

Zaine: I ain't letting you have my skin to hang up on a wall

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