Chapter XX

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I would absoulutely love to have a reason for not updating in five months, and now that I have updated that the new update is not very long, or exciting, but then again that would be lying. I have a confession to make. I have been extremely lazy and have had so much time to publish chapters and write them but I have motivational issues and a fanfiction reading addiction. You can see how that effects my writing. Now that ihave updated, I will try and write again soon but i can make no promises. I do write, just not often. 
On another note, I would love if you checked on a new book I have set up, dedicated to all the poems i have written. This will almost certainly be updated more often since I seem to find it easier to write poems rather than stories. Anyways, on to reading!


My eyes snapped open and I took a large gasp of air as I sat up straight, in the process, waking up Annabeth.

“Hey Percy, are you alright?” she asked, as she rested a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine” was all I answered with, deciding to keep the cold hard truth away from her. She didn’t need another prophecy in her life. I couldn’t put her through that traumatic experience again. I will keep it to myself for now, except maybe Kaia. She looked at me again. “I am telling you the truth, I am completely fine, just a dream?”

“A prophesying dream?” She looked doubtful but I wouldn’t crack, that was the answer she was going to get.

I looked around and saw that dawn had started to rise. Apollo was in his sun chariot, riding it along the sky, while Artemis was pulling the moon off. This must be (along with dusk) the few rare times where the two twins are in perfect harmony with each other.

The tranquil atmosphere that was encircling us at the moment, made me want to forget everything that had happened in the past years, and spend time with Annabeth and Andromeda, as a family which was not completely messed up.

But I knew that that wasn’t going to happen for there was a prophecy looming toward me and this one seemed dark. We just had to work out what to do now that I know that there is another unknown ally to Nyx out there, and if to defeat them both I had to sacrifice myself that would mean that they must be very powerful. Annabeth was not to find out about any of this and neither was Andromeda but my team needed to know, for they would deal with it.

“Annabeth, I’m sorry but I need to go train with my team now, I will see you later?” I asked her, in the process of getting up. I reached my hand out to help her and she took it.

“That’s fine, just come around later today, okay?” she said, pecking my lips.

“Great then I’ll see you later,” and with that I ran down the hill to our cabin.

I slammed the door open as I stormed through to opening, startling most of my team mates. “We have a big problem,” I stated as slouched on the couch next to Luke.

“What the Hades are you talking about? I thought we just got through all the trouble?” questioned Silena, coming to sit closer to us. The rest had gathered around to hear what I had to say.

“Spill, now,” demanded Kaia. And so I did. I told them everything that I had found out about the prophecy and apparently my fate. I spilled all of it in record time, before slouching even further into the couch, it almost swallowing me.

“Dam, that it harsh,” whistled Zoe. Calypso came and sat on my other side and placed a hand on my back.

“It seems so unfair that you have these hard sacrifices you are forced to make, but at least we know that there will always be hope,” I looked at her gratefully, thankful for all the encouragement she had been able to deliver in those few words.

“So what are we going to do about the unknown threat?” Luke asked, and just like that the spark of happiness was extinguished. I sighed.

“I have not even the slightest idea, but we should take extra precautions, for we have no idea who the enemy could be,” I said to the group and with all the nodding heads I saw, it seemed they were all in agreement.

“Sounds good. It’s even better that we have a secret weapon up our sleeves!” chuckled Beckendorf happily.

“What secret weapon?” Asked Castor, confused.

“Why the gods of course,” I answered, catching on. “No one apart from us and thee gods themselves know that I trained them, meaning that they will probably expect the gods to watch from the sidelines or at the very least put up little competition,” Murmurs were heard in satisfaction at this.

“Well it does seem that gives us more of a chance,” Bianca said, smiling widely.

I watched as my team talked about what they would do and the strategies we could apply to the battle, and I realised, even though I will not be around for much longer, I could not have asked for better friends to spend my last few days with. The prophecy does state that I will return but the amount of time I will be absent could be as high as billions of years, leaving all of my friends in the dust, no matter how immortal they might be. These friends that I have now, are my pride and joy, and to win the war for even one of them would be enough for me to literally give them my life.

“Percy, Percy, hey PERCY!” Someone shouted in my ear, jolting me from my inner thoughts.

“Huh? Yeah?” I asked looking around at the smirking and snickering faces. Haha, yes very funny, laugh at the poor Percy.

“What are we going to do about the campers?” Asked Luke.

I pondered this. Now that was an important issue. Then a light bulb went off in my head and I smiled evilly.

“We are going to train them…”


Now if you walked past that particular cabin at that particular moment, you would hear the maniacal laughter of eight immortals planning their wrath upon the innocent demigods just waiting outside of those exact walls. Note of caution: If this sort of laughter is heard from this cabin, there is only one thing to do. Run. 

Please tell me what you thought of my story and leave some comments on what you would like to happen next. THANK YOU!!!

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