Chapter I

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We were having a council meeting but no one was talking. We all had our heads down in misery. The greatest hero we had ever known had just died. I had silent tears falling down my face constantly and the were never ending. I could feel myself ageing rapidly, from my 20 year old self to around 50 in a matter of seconds.
We were having the annual winter solstice meeting when a bright light appeared reveal my son lying on the ground. He looked asleep and I was curious to know why he was there.
"How dare you be on the ground I front of the gods! It's disrespectful! Get up" shouted Zeus, the drama queen. That seemed to knock Percy out of his state. He stood up slowly and bowed.
"Why are you here son?" I asked. He looked at me and I was shocked to see tears in his eyes. I started to worry before he spoke.
"I am just here to inform you that the war with Gaea is over. We were fighting the army when Gaea showed up. I ran up to face her. We battled well past the battle where demigods won. I finally stabbed her and she sunk back into the earth. We won but not without sacrifice," and suddenly Percy was on his knees. Apollo ran over when Percy completely collapsed.
"He has been stabbed," he said gravely. We all sat there shocked that he gave the whole report without telling anyone he was dying. I ran over to my sons body with tears in my eyes. When I got to him the light in his eyes was dimming. He coughed a gut wrenching cough that made my heart break.
"You can't save me. I know that so don't spend any effort trying. Can you do two things for me before I die," Percy said in a raspy voice.
"Of course hero," said Zeus. I could tell that he was also sad about his nephew leaving.
"Please give Hades and Hestia their thrones back. They earned them and please go help your children. They have lost many of their friends and family too,"
I smiled sadly. Even in his last breaths Percy was loyal to all his friends. He suddenly took a shuddering breath before turning his head towards me. He gave me a smile with so much love just before his eyes closed to never open again.
----Flashback End----
So that's how the great hero died. In Apollo's arms with me by his side. Everyone was crying before his motionless body. Then everyone left to complete Percy's dying wish. To help their children.

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