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An entire week of school has finally come to an end. Now finally weekend. Madison and Mason really drove me crazy. My phone starts to vibrate. It's Lucas. shit. I haven't spoken to him all week. I pick up.


"Hey!" I hear him calling.

"Hi." I say back.

"Are you doing something?" He asks. He wants to meet up, but I really don't feel like it.

"Yes, I have homework." I lie.

"Oh." He sounds disappointed.

"Yes sorry, I'll call you when I can." I say.

"Okay, I miss you." He says.

"Yeah... Bye Lucas." I say and hang up.


I let myself fall on the bed. When I suddenly have a mess in my head? I still have distinct feelings for Mason. But I'm in a relationship with Lucas. He's really sweet. I can't do this to him, but I can't lie either. I lied to him for the first time today and I don't feel well.


The next evening my father comes home early. Which surprised me, but it's nice. He's gone so often.

"Hey!" I say when I walk into the living room.

"Hi! Eh I'm going out for dinner just friendly. I'll pick her up in a minute." He says. I take a seat on the couch.

"Hence so early." I say with a grin. My father doesn't date anymore so I give him this. He also has yet to finish his life romantically.

"Yes, do you want to come?" he asks. I immediately shake my head.

"No no. It's your date." I say.

"Date? Olivia I say friendly right?" he sighs. I smile.

"Nevertheless, Charlotte is coming soon." I say.

"Oh yes of course." He says.

"What is the name of the lucky one?"

"Olivia!" he shouts. I run up the stairs laughing. "She's called Martina by the way!" He yells where I stop and turn around.

"Martin?" I ask.

"Yes you know her? Martina Rodriguez." He asks and puts on his jacket.

"Um no, I thought I heard something else." I say. He nods and takes the car keys from the table.

"I'm out, you know how to order and this time something healthy, which I saw you only ate pizza this week." I feel my cheeks turn red.

"Yes I'll make something myself." I say. He nods and then leaves the house. I'm going to make rice with vegetables I think. But Martina. That's also the name of Mason's mother. I just don't know her last name. I don't think it's her. There are plenty of Martinas.


435 words

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