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I walk into the schoolyard with Riley. The class starts in exactly 3 minutes so we had to hurry.

"Logan gave me a ring yesterday." Riley says as we take a seat in class.

"Really see?" I ask. She shows her hand. I look at the ring on her finger. He looks beautiful. It is a simple ring with a beautiful diamond.

"He's really beautiful. But yes Logan has taste too." I say. She smiles.

"Yes." She says. Wyatt walks in with and angrily said. "So Wyatt is also another merry one." Says Riley.

"Hey you're back." He says. Riley stands up and they hug. "was your vacation fun?" He asks. She nods.

"I got a nice tan." she says and then sits down again. Wyatt comes and sits behind us.

"Hi!" Madison also arrives. She's happy, too happy and she's starting to annoy me too. She takes a seat next to Wyatt and he sighs angrily.

"Who is she?" Riley asks softly.

"I'm Madison." says Madison. So she heard it. "You?" she asks.

"Riley." Says Riley. She nods.

"Nice to meet you." She says. Madison looks at me for a moment, then rolls her eyes.

The fuck?

I turn and focus on my books. They're going to help me now.


After class we all sit at a table including Mason and Madison. Madison annoys me to the max.

"Are you coming?" I ask Riley and Wyatt. Wyatt immediately gets up. Riley follows. They don't even ask where. They also just want to leave.

"What are you going to do?" Mason is talking to us, but looks at me. Shit I have to answer.

"Outside." I make up. He frowns.

"It rains?" he says confused.

"Yeah that-" I'm completely interrupted by Madison.

"If they want to go out, they will, no one can stop them." she says and looks at me head to toe. What the fuck is wrong with her? I'm so stupid that I was nice to her. She's dating Mason now because of me. I roll my eyes and walk away.

"Jeez she's annoyingly young." Sigh Wyatt.

"Say so." I say.

"I didn't like her when I saw her." says Wyatt.

"Okay, seriously me too." Says Riley.

We're at the lockers. I would like to sit down, but right now I can't.


394 words

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