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I could see from Olivia how angry she was. She is now on her scooter and sighs. I look at her.

"I argued with Madison." She says. I frown at her. She looks at me for a moment and starts talking. "I was just annoyed at how happy she was when you kissed her." She says. I smile. She looks at me angrily and questioningly.

"Did she really say that? We don't have that." I say. She jumps off her scooter and walks over to me.

"Are you serious?!" she shouts startled. I nod smiling.

"We just messed around, but I didn't even touch her with a finger." I say. It's quiet for a while. Olivia looks ahead of her. Without thinking, I grab her hand and pull her along. She looks at me weird.

"What are you going to do?" she asks.

"We have lesson Olivia." I say.

"Yes I know, but I want to go home." I turn to her and let go of her hand.

"Are you serious? Just because she pisses you off do you want to go home?!" I sounded hot. She lowers her eyes.

"That's not all. Mason because I thought you guys really kissed I told her you were a bad person and to watch out for you." She says.

"You make me black?" I ask.

"I'm really sorry." She says. I nod.

"It's all well deserved I think." I say and give her a wink. She smiles briefly.

"Thank you." She says.

"Come with me." I say and she nods. "Okay now just join in." I say to her when we get to the door.

"Yeah let's hope we don't have any problems." she sighs.

"It'll be fine." I say and knock on the door and then open it.

"Yes there you have them!" Mr. Corti says.

"Sorry Mr. Olivia she wasn't feeling well and had to puke." I say. Olivia's cheeks begin to turn red. Beautiful.

"Oh are you okay girl?" He asks. She nods.

"Yes sir." She says.

"Good for you for helping Mason." Mr. Corti says. I nod. "Have a seat." He says. I follow after Olivia. Madison is already looking at me. Behind hate are two chairs that are free. Olivia sat down behind her. I ignore Madison's gaze and sit next to Olivia. Madison gives me a weird look and immediately turns her around.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asks softly.

"Why sit next to a girl who lies about a kiss that never happened?" I say loud enough for Madison to hear. I can see the side of her face which is all red now.

"Omg." Sigh Olivia. I grin and let myself fall against the backrest.

Nobody fucks with Olivia.


463 words

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