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I heard Takemichi shouting from a distance with a confused and worried look ok his face. I mean who wouldn't be. If I were him and someone said they knew I'm a time leaper I'd think that they are playing a prank or trying to threaten me.

As soon as Mitchi came up to me he began drowning me with questions. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY I'M A TIME LEAPER" , "WHAT DO YOU KNOW" , "TELL ME"

"Calm down Takemichi" I said to him in a calming voice. I then pulled him to sit on one of the swing while I sat on the other.

"OK so I'm not sure how much you will believe me but I'm not from this world," he looked at me confused, I continued "somehow I got transported here into this world that is an anime after being hit by a truck."

"What do you mean this is an anime," he said totally continued.
"Ok, you and everyone else in this world are characters in an anime that is in my world called Tokyo Revengers. You are sort of the main character and you are trying to save Hina from dieing 12 years from now am I right." ... he nodded looking scared.

"Wait so are you saying that you know everything that has happened and what is going to happen in the future?". "How can I believe you?"

"I can tell you that you are Takemichi Hanagaki, you came from the future by shaking Naoto's hand. You are now trying to save Hina from getting killed in the future and later on you are also going to be trying to save other people"

He looked at me unsure. "So what are you going to do now, are you going to help me save everyone and how?"

"I watched the anime from the last episode posted and I read the manga from the last release so I have an idea on how to save everyone and you can live happily with Hina and everyone else." I reassured him.

Tears began flowing from his eyes as he was so relieved that he wouldn't be alone in trying to save everyone from the past. He felt so happy that he may actually have a chance of getting Hina back.

"Firstly Mitchi, I need you to introduce me to Mikey and the rest of the gang because I need to become acquainted with them in order to be trusted."

"I understand"

We decided to introduce me to Mikey and Draken tomorrow and see if they'll trust me enough to be around the gang.

Before parting, Takemichi stopped me and said," so if you're not from here,  where are you staying?" I told him about the hotel and he offered to let me stay at his place and I agreed.


I walked out after showering and changing into the other clothes I bought and saw Takemichi getting me a futon.

After he went to his bed and I went on the futon. Hours passed but I couldn't sleep. I then pulled out my phone which I charged at the hotel and began swiping through it. I tried calling my parents and friends but it wasn't available. I felt really sad because I missed my world a little bit and my friends. It even had a (boy/girl) I liked and was thinking about confessing. But that doesn't matter now because I'm literally in an anime and I get the chance to save the people who dies in the future and present.

Time skip to school last period..
brought to you by Mikey's flag on his food.

I was now walking out for the school with Mitchi after saying goodbye to Hina and the rest of his friends. We waited for for while but Mikey and Draken didn't come. We then decided to part ways because Mitchi wanted to go visit Hina and I went to his house to rest.
Today there might be fireworks so I wonder if Mitchi will hold Naoto's hand by accident. I thought and chuckled.

I then arrived at his house and went to sleep still wondering how I'm going to become a trustworthy friend to Mikey and Draken.

Takemichi POV...

...After a while of complaining...

"Hmm. Naoto..do you have any information about y/n l/n" I asked.
He just shook his head no after doing some research. I then told him about her and he stood there in shock.

"Maby since y/n is not from this world, she isn't a part of its story. That or she dies/goes back to her world before even meeting Toman" he said still thinking.

"But she knows so much information about us that she can actually save the future. She can save Hina."

"Well then, you have to do everything you can to keep her safe and make sure meets Mikey and gains his trust."

I nodded before shaking Naoto's hand and reappearing..    .. WITH A GIRL ON TOP OF ME. She has sandy blonde hair, honey colored eyes and ... SHE'S NAKED .

I don't know what is happening but I have to get out of here. When she turned around to answer the phone  I got the hell out of there not looking back. "I need to make sure Hina never finds out."
"Finds out what?" I jumped and saw Hina with y/n next to her barely holding in her laughter.

Today is the day Mitchi comes back to the past and sees Emma on top of him so I definitely can't miss this. Luckily, for the past few days while Takemichi was in the future,  I got more known with my surroundings with the help of Hina of course and found out where he will be running out from.

While walking to go the area, I met up with Hina and we both started walking toward Takemichi.

"I need to make sure Hina never finds out."

"Finds out what?".. the reaction on his face was priceless and definitely better in person. I couldn't contain my laughter. Not to long after, as expected, Mitchi got a call from Draken saying to meet up at Musashi shrine and both me and Hina followed.

This was my chance to finally become their friend and save them all. I can't fail.


Ahh another chapter that is shorter than Levi.

A/n: hi... I'm not really good at writing,  I'm just doing this for fun.
Anywho, this will not be following the exact storyline so some parts will be mixed up or left out .. yahhh.

If u want any live interest, you can write it here...

Word count:1124

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