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Being stuck isn't a great place to be in. It doesn't matter where, it just means you can't leave and that alone makes you feel like a prisoner.


Everybody split up to search for gas stations or to take gas from cars. Tommy and Diane were a pair and were walking around with a gas container that was half full.

"You think this is enough?" He shook the container.

"Maybe, we should get one more car though-!" She turned back and started pushing Tommy behind a car and he dropped the gas in the process.

"Hey, hey! What-?!" 


Diane put a hand over his mouth and ducked down as another voice yelled.

"If I could just find that bitch!" This man seemed very angry and sighed like it too. "They all thought it was my fault and shunned me but just watch! I'll show 'em and I just need that zombie to prove it. I thought I heard her around here." He stomped away when Tommy looked at her with wide eyes.

"We gotta go!" He grabbed her hand and started running the opposite way when they heard the same voice behind them.

"Hey! Fucking zombie, get back here!" They started running faster with Tommy slightly pulling her along since she was slower. 

They turned a corner and hid behind another car. The guy's footsteps faded and they both sighed.

"We should probably hide in a car and call whoever's closest, I think it was Wilbur and Phil." Tommy suggested, with Diane nodding in agreement. 

They both looked around and saw him in the distance but stealthily walked to a nearby car out of his sight and opened the door.

It wasn't the quietest opening but to be fair, it's quite hard to open a car door silently. Needless to say, they started panicking a little when both of them turned to see if the man had noticed but didn't see him anymore.

That just scared the crap out of both of them as Tommy ushered Diane to hurry up. She jumped in with Tommy closing the door behind him. They both ducked down.

"No-Shit-Shit-Shit! The fucking seats!" Turns out that the back seats were down to open the trunk but from the inside. 

It was really bad in the sense that it put them closer to the window when they were trying not to be seen. 

So, Diane pushed Tommy to the back of the car and grabbed the back of the seats to try to close it when she got pulled back by Tommy because the car door just opened.

He rolled her over him so his back would only be visible if they were to be spotted. The seats went back down to the man's shoulder as he looked in the car. 

He grunted and pushed it back, causing the light to disappear. The teenagers flinched at the sound and stayed stiff until the door slammed and Diane could hear faint footsteps for a second before the sound completely disappeared.

"Okay, I think he's gone." Tommy said as he looked down at Diane who was shaking and breathing with heavy inhales.

Knowing Diane, he pushed her head to his chest gently to let her hear his heartbeat. Something to focus on to relax.

"We should get out, it's gonna rain and-" Tommy tried to sit up straight but immediately hit his head on the ceiling. "Fucking-and we don't wanna be..." He crawled over to the back of the seats that were enclosed and pushed. And pushed again. And pushed one more time before finishing his sentence.

Tommyinnit x OC (Zombie au)Where stories live. Discover now