Fuck. You.

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I sat at a table with the three boys, we were just studying per usual.

Demetri: "So that's it, No more karate?"

Wait what. I was thinking about cobra kai. It cant close now.

Miguel: "I guess so."

Ugh this is so annoying. I finally found something that i wanted to live for. So i immediately stopped listening and i put ear buds in. I was listening to green day because green day is just the best.

I see Kyler grab Eli's shoulder so i took my ear buds out and put them in my pocket.

Miguel: "We we're just leaving."

We all got up and practically tried to run away. Until Kyler grabbed Eli.

Kyler: "Look at this freak."

Him and his friend laughed.

Kyler: "What kinda girl would ever kiss this shit."

"I wouldn't be talking shit about another's person looks until you change that shitty hairstyle."

Everyone looked at me surprised like i was mute and never spoke. Which was true i was practically mute, but i'm not gonna watch Kyler pick on Eli.

Kyler: You wanna get choked again Luna, Huh?

Kyler backs me into a wall and walks towards me. I see the three boys run. What a bunch of pussy's. Kyler gets real close to me. He rides his hand up my body and he reaches my breast. I froze, i didn't know what to do. I tried to give him my "i'll kill you" face but it didn't phase him.

Kyler: Too bad your a bitch Luna, cause your hot.

He grinned at me and this rush of angry flew through my body.

"Fuck. You."

I head butted him making him fall to the ground. While his fat friend tried to help him i ran. I ran outside since it was the end of school for today. I waited outside for my dad to pick up me and Sam. I saw Sam start to walk towards me. She sits down next to me on a bench and stares at me.

"What do you want."

Sam: Why didn't you tell me.


Sam: Why didn't you tell me Kyler was a bully and he bullied you."

"Because you wouldn't have gave shit."

Sam: You really think that? Of course i give a shit luna! Your my sister and i knew you were picked on but i never knew you were bullied like how i saw today.

"What do you mean saw?!"

Sam: I saw kyler put his hand on your breast, and i saw how you sticked up for the kid. I saw everything.

I just looked at her in i don't even know what kinda face i was looking at her with. I had many emotions in me. I felt embarrassed, mad, sad, kinda relieved?

Sam: I'll talk to Kyler tonight, at our date at the theater.

"Ok, thanks i guess."

Dad pulled up his car and we got in. We didn't say anything the entire ride, which i was happy about, i didn't wanna listen to anything.
During the day i got a text from Miguel on instagram which i barely ever use.

Miguel: Hey i wanted to let you know that Cobra kai is open again.

Me: And why are you telling me this?

Miguel: Because i could see the look on your face when i said it closed.

Me: Ok.

Miguel: Come to the dojo right now. Bring 10 bucks.

Me: Right now?

Miguel: Yea right now, see you there.

Me: Ok then
Sam left for her "date" and i left to go to the dojo. I'm honestly kinda scared. What if he sees my last name is Larusso and doesn't let me join. Shit now i'm sweating. I get to the dojo finally and i walk in.

Johnny: Sorry this dojo is for Boys only.

"Uh, that's not really fair?"

Miguel: Listen sensei i brought her here. She's really fierce and she has the money to pay.

I raised up the 10 bucks.

Johnny: Alright what's your name.

Oh shit.

"Luna Larusso."

Johnny: Miguel go to my office real quick.

Miguel: Yes sensei.

Johnny: Ok listen kid, i'm sure that your father has told you stories about me, Johnny lawrence from high school.

"Yea, and i'm sure they are filled with shit. So listen, I have always wanted to do karate. My dad didn't even ask me if i wanted to, But he forced my sister and my brother to do it for a while. Didn't even look at me. This is not revenge if that's what your thinking. I simply want to defend my self. I'm tired of being bullied and harassed. I wanna be a bad ass, not the quiet loser in the back corner. I know who you are and i don't care. My father doesn't control me, and obviously doesn't care what i do anymore since all he looks at is Sam. So please let me join Sensei."

There was a long pause before he spoke.

Johnny: Well get your ass in here kid.

I smiled. Miguel came back out and sensei ordered us to fight.

Miguel looked kinda guilty? because he didn't wanna fight a girl. He tried to talk sensei out of it. But while he was distracted i ran right into him. I grabbed his arm flipped him on my back and sent him crashing down on the floor. He grunts like i threw his back out.

"You'll be fine."

Johnny: "Your a natural cobra!"

I looked at him and smiled.

Johnny: Listen you two, You both can get really far but i need to know if your gonna risk everything for this.

Me and Miguel looked at each other and both said in sync.

"Yes Sensei!"

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now