The hospital

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I woke up to the sound of doctors talking next to me, one of them sees that my eyes have opened and come over to me.

Doctor: "Hey sweetie how are you doing? Do you feel alright?"

I was still pretty out of it so i didn't answer. The other doctor started to the talk to the one that was talking to me.

Doctor 2: "Shes been out for a month shes going to be a little shaken up."


Doctor: "Don't worry we will get your parents."

Before i could even speak they opened the blinds and i saw everyone out there. I didn't want to face them. Especially after what I've done. I got up and opened the door and ran down the hallway and some doctors chased after me. I was running around the whole hospital trying to find the exit. I got to a dead end and the doctors were behind me. They started coming towards me and i punched one guy and kicked the other one. I still remember all my training so i was pulling everything out on them. Until more Doctors came and they got a hold of me and sticked a needle in me so i would get dizzy and a little out of it. Then i passed out again. I woke up and i was still a little dizzy and my mom and dad were sitting in the chairs next to me. I didn't say anything to them, i don't even know what to say. The doctor came in with some breakfast and put it on this tray so i could sit up and eat it. Im almost finished with my breakfast and they still haven't said a word.

"Are you gonna say anything or....just sit there like an ass"

I looked at them and they didn't even look at me differently they just looked at me like with pain.

Amanda: "We've just missed you so much, we know we haven't been the best of parents and we are still learning too."

Daniel: "We are going to put your mental health first, and for us to do that we need you to communicate with us so we know how your feeling, i know you don't like talking with us but we are your parents and we love you very much."

"can i have a cigarette"

Amanda: "And....we are going to help you keep clean from smoking, drinking, drugs, it?"

"You cant just force me into recovery."

Daniel: "Of course, its going to take time but baby steps? All we ask for is effort."

"What if i don't want to get clean, what are you going to do then. Just accept that you have a fucked up kid alright! you have sam isn't that enough?"

Amanda: "No its not enough because you are our daughter too, we love you no less then Sam."

"If you love me then you will let me recover on my own paste and in my own way."

Daniel: "As long as your getting better we are fine with it. We support you no matter what."

Amanda: "Yeah and talking about support, everyone has been raising money to help you on your recovery for when you woke up! You should see everyone and how much they all love you!"

She handed me her phone and showed a bunch of pics of the news and papers and even theres a billboard of me.

"Half of these people hated me...."

Daniel: "Just because they hate you doesn't mean they want you dead."

Amanda: "Some of your friends have been waiting to see you would you like for me to welcome them in?"

"Absolutely not."

Daniel: "They've spent hours in this hospital making sure you were okay."

"I don't care, i fucking hate all of them."

I started to eat the last bite of my waffle then i pushed the tray away.

Amanda: "Just at-least let them see you for 5 minutes, they really miss you."

"Fine but only because i need to fucking pee."

I walked out the door and literally everyone was out in the hall, they all looked at me and most of them were crying.


A bunch of girls and boys came over to me hugging me, half of them i don't even fucking know. I was looking at everyone and saw someone in the crowd i filled up with anger just by seeing his face. I pushed everyone out of the way and walked up to him. I think he had a feeling about why i looked so mad.


Eli: "Luna can we talk about this later."


"i don't want to fucking see you ever again and i fucking mean that. I regret sitting at that fucking table for the first time Eli. I regret joining cobra kai, i regret having that huge school fight and i regret meeting you."

Eli: "You don't mean that-"

"Oh yes i fucking do, for once i fucking know what i want, and i want you to fucking leave me alone. I WANT FUCKING ALL OF YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE. You think this is what i want? A bunch of people posting about me on the internet telling the whole world that i wanted to kill myself and i almost succeeded? Well good job for filling the whole world in because now i'm known as the kid who overdosed thanks."

Eli: "I love you"

I looked at him with with disbelief in my eyes.

"How can you say that?!"

Eli: "Because i do."

"No the FUCK you don't Eli. You don't fucking love me cause you don't even fucking know who i am. None of you do. I don't even know who i am."

Eli: "We all know who you are. You just haven't found yourself yet."

"Im going to the bathroom."

I walked into the girls restroom and i couldn't even cry, i just felt numb. Maybe he's right i just need to find who i am and not worry about what other ppl think. This is all so stressful i hate the fucking hospital i need to get out of here. I kicked the bathroom stall door and i yelled and someone saw me kick the door.


I could smell something in the room. It did not smell like a hospital anymore.

"Are you smoking?"

?: "What? no."

"I want some."

He looked around then looked back at me. He slid his hand in his pocket and grabbed a pack of cigs and a lighter.

?: "You get caught, its not my fault."

The real question is why is he in the girls bathroom.

I went into the bathroom stall and sat on the toilet as a grabbed a cig and lit it up and i smoked there until all of the stress just went away.

Okay so i'll probably do a couple chapters but just nothing really with karate or anything yet just with Luna cause i feel like she can get a little more back story in before the next season so ill prob do a couple more but thank you guys so much for reading my story and ily guys💕💕

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