The Bloodbath

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I woke up to banging on the front door. Hawk and i somehow ended up in his bedroom i only had a bra and underwear on. We both went down stairs to see that my dad broke the lock and barged in.


Daniel: "Finally i found you get in the car. First get your clothes. Why are you naked? Did you sleep with him?"

Me and hawk didn't say anything just staring at him and each other.

My dad gave me his jacket to put on then he pulled me into this car and started to drive home.

Daniel: "Do you not know how worried we were when you weren't picking up. Also you told me you were going to be at Aisha's not hawks house. Your too young to be having sex especially with that guy."

"i think im still drunk."

Daniel: "How much did you drink."

"5, 6 cups? maybe?"

Daniel: "Were getting you home your going to drink lots of water and take some pills.

"im sorry dad."

Daniel: "Its okay sweetie its just you have to be more careful, someone could take advantage of you if your that drunk."

"Eli would never."

Daniel: "You never know."

We finally got home and i saw that sam was home she also looked like shit. My mom was making me french toast for breakfast my favorite. This is the first time i actually feel loved at home. I looked at my phone and saw and had text messages from hawk.

Hawk: Hey sorry about your dad.

Me: No im sorry, that was so embarrassing.

Hawk: I wanted to talk to you about last night and i think its better off we stay as friends.

Me: Yeah thats what i was thinking, we were both drunk and just made a mistake.

Hawk: Yeah, so we good?

Me: always.

We are not good. I go from feeling loved to seriously feeling like the most empty person on earth. I hate being the second choice.
I get to school and i go into my first period until i hear a weird sound.

"Samatha Larusso, you know what you did and now your going to pay for it. Im coming for you bitch!"

What the fuck. I ran outside the class room as the bell rung. Trying to find my sister. Yes i hate her but im not going to let anyone beat her up, shes still family.

Tory: "I saw what you did at the party, you kissed miguel."

Oh shit.

Tory through a punch and pushed sam around until hawk pushed sam back in.

Hawk: "Get back in there!"

I was just watching i figured this would stop soon. But now miguel was on top of robby and a full Cobra kai vs. Miyagi do war has officially started. Someone from Miyagi do tried to throw a punch at me but i flip there arm and flipped them to the floor. Everyone was fighting turning the school into a bloodbath. While i was fighting Miyagi do i was trying to help sam, Torys a crazy bitch. I pushed Tory out of Sams way.

Tory: "What the fuck? Were the same team."

"Not if your fighting my sister."

Now it was Tory, Sam, and I all fighting. Tory had to take us both. She was putting up a good fight until someone else came in a dragged me by the hoodie of my sweatshirt. Someone banged my head into the stair railing causing my head to slice open bleeding out. Sam and Tory were on the stairs i could see that Tory brought her Spiked bracelet and put it on her fist. Hell no. I punched the kid that was attacking me causing him to black out for a second i ran up those stairs to help Sam.

Tory: "no...mercy.."

I punched Torys face. She got up and threw a punch my way i was unable to block it and she sliced a scar right on my cheek. I screamed in pain. She started to kick me i grabbed her leg swung her over to the railing. Then i punched her causing her to fall back and fall to the other side of the stairs. I turned around and saw that Tory sliced her arm.

Sam: "Thanks."

I smiled at her until i saw robby sending a kick to Miguel. Miguel started to lose balance against the railing and he tipped over causing him to fall.


I ran over to where he was falling i tried to catch him but he hit the railing before he hit me. We rolled down the stairs bleeding all over our body's. It was silent. The fight went to far. Miguel was passed out but i still was kind of awake. I was coughing from the fall.

"miguel? miguel are you alright?"


"Miguel! wake up please!"

I started to cry and hawk came over to me and grabbed me holding me back while the police went over to Miguel. I was balling. This was all Torys and Sams fault.
We were at the hospital and Sam and i were in the same room..

Sam: "Im sorry dad i didn't mean to do this its all my fault i did this to Miguel."

Daniel: "What no no? don't say that sam."

"It is your fault. If you would of kept your loyalty with robby this never wouldn't happened"

Amanda: "Luna i know your upset but blaming your sister is not the right way to go."

"Are you serious? Y'all didn't even asked me if i was okay, you just care about Sam. Nothing is about me ever. I fucking saved Sam i could of left her to die, but me being a good person did. Look what happened. Im tired of coming home and not even feeling loved. Admit it you love Sam more then me."

Daniel: "Thats not true Luna."


Amanda: "Lower your voice! I don't know whats gotten into you but this behavior needs to stop."

Daniel: "Its because of cobra kai."

"There you go blaming Cobra kai again. All cobra kai has done is made me the badass that i am. Im tired of just letting things go. Im not afraid to speak up anymore."

Daniel: "All Cobra kai has made you is and asshole, who never comes home and when she does come home you never say anything. It's uncomfortable to live with you when your moping around like that."

"If its so uncomfortable then ill leave."

Amanda: "Where are you going young lady?"

I left the hospital and ran until i couldn't run anymore it was pouring outside so i was drenched. I saw a broken mirror in this alley way and i could see the bandaid i had on my face i took the bandaid off and could kind of see my scar the mirror was shattered. Im tired of being timid. Im tired of being an ass. I kept punching the mirror into every single part fell off leaving both of my fists bleeding. I knew right here that this was going to be a new chapter for me. I was never going to be the same.

Luna LarussoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon