Striking mentally

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I walk into the dojo and i hear kyler talking to tory.

Kyler: "You know what? atleast im still here. Half the team quit."

"We don't need them. Numbers don't matter, its about skill and strength."

Tory: "Just because your in cobra kai doesnt mean we have respect for you Larusso, you got to earn that respect."

"Fuck you?! I don't need to prove myself to you."

Tory was about to say something until robby walked in.

Tory: "Well look who showed up."

Kyler: "That fool doesnt even practice, but he gets to stay? I dont get it."

Robby walked to kreeses office leaving us in the dojo.
At home it wasn't really awkward my dad and sam wasn't home. I took a shower and went straight to bed i was exhausted. A few hours later i here the alarm system. They set it up since tory broke into the house. I ran down stairs with my knife and saw my mom with a bat and Anthony with her. Until i saw it was just my dad and sam.

"shit dad. you scared the shit out of us."

Anthony: "This new alarm system sucks, you should've sprung for the one with facial recognition."

"Im going back to bed."

Daniel: "Wait, Luna why do you have a switchblade?"

"I have a-lot of enemy's dad, and after those physcos breaking into this house i don't feel safe."

I walked back upstairs and was about to go to bed until i got a text from hawk.

Hawk: Park? 10:00?

Me: Alr.

Half of me didn't want to go, but i had nothing to lose. I get to the park and see Hawk standing in the middle of the park waiting for me to show.

"So you wanted to meet me?"

Hawk: "Yeah i just, i feel shitty with everything between us."

"Most of that was your doing."

Hawk: "I know....i really do care about you Luna."

"So why are you so afraid to show that?"

Hawk: "Im not afraid."

"So im just not enough for you?"

Hawk: "Ofc your enough what are you talking about."

"Ive always been the second choice in life so makes sense."

Hawk: "Luna you've been my first choice since day 1. I don't want karate to ruin what we have."

"Yeah karate wont break it cause im breaking it."

Hawk: "What?"

"The only reason i came here tonight eli was because i want you to know that im done. Im done with you, miguel, sam, demetri, assface. Im done with everyone, even johnny. I dont owe you shit. I always look out for people and i never get the same treatment back. I will ruin you, eagle fang, and miyagi do. I know where your weak and thats where ill strike. I wont only be striking physically but ill be striking mentally. I will break every single confidence you have in your ego until your broken. Because i don't give a shit anymore. So im going to leave now thank you for this wonderful conversation."

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now