He doesnt know me

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I woke up and do what i usually do. I had training today so i had leave after school. I got out of the house without my parents noticing, i'm not planning on telling them about cobra kai. My dad would probably kill me.
I get to the dojo pretty late since i had to walk. But since i knew everything we had to do in the class sensei was okay with it. I walked in and set my stuff down. There was a bunch of kids here. I mean i know Me and miguel's fight video went viral but i didn't think this many kids would show up.

Johnny: "Jab punch, No wait till i say go. Hiyah! Hiyah! Hiyah! Hiyah!"

Everytime he says hiyah we had to punch, while he went around the room insulting everyone.

Johnny: "Hey lip."

My heart drops. But i don't know why. It's not like i like Eli or anything. I mean he's not good looking really? But i really shouldn't care about other people like this it won't be good for me in the future. Considering everyone i love always hurts me in the end.

Johnny: "Yeah you. The one with the freak lip. Who do you think i'm talking to."

I look at Eli and i can see he's panicking inside. I don't blame him i would to. I wanted to go over to him and tell him everything's ok but i couldn't.

Demetri: "Excuse me uh Mr. Lawrence."

"Sensei Lawrence." I corrected him.

Demetri: "Ok, You really shouldn't make fun of someones physical appearance."

I stopped listening Demetri was annoying me like always. I swear that kid never and i mean never stops talking. It makes me wanna hang myself. I see Johnny start to walk towards Demetri and everyone forms a circle around him. He's fucked.

Johnny: Hit me.

Demetri throws a punch and johnny blocks it.

Johnny: "That's all you got princess."

Demetri throws another lunch and johnny still blocks it. Demetri throws another one but this time 5x harder. Johnny grabs his fist twists him and flips him over onto the ground. I try to hard not to laugh that i let out a chuckle.

Johnny: "May that be a lesson to all of you."
Training has finished and i checked my Phone and i see that my dad has called me twice and texted me 3 times.

Me: Hey sorry i haven't answered i was just walking around town.

Daniel: It's fine just head home now for dinner.

Me: K.
I get home and they are already at the dinner table so i sat down i started to eat.

Daniel: So how was school today Luna?

Shit. I skipped the whole morning of school today because i slept in late. I have to play it off cool.


Amanda: Good? it was good considering you weren't there half of the day.

"Fuck." My eyes widen, i did not mean to say that out loud.

Daniel: LUNA!

I just look down at my plate and hope i get out of this dinner alive.

Amanda: I know you not a talkative person Luna, but me and your father want answers. It's either you talk to us or we get you a therapist.

My blood boils.

"A therapist?"

Daniel: Yea, your attitude has changed recently and we just want what's best for you luna.

"Bullshit." Now that meant to come out of my mouth.

Daniel: Alright can we have a conversation without cussing please.

"I don't need a therapist. i'm completely fine."

Amanda: Your not fine Luna. Sam told us about the Kyler situation and what happened.

I look at sam like my eyes had lasers inside of them.


Sam: Yes i told them about what Kyler did to you. I'm just trying to help you Luna.

Daniel: We all just want the best for you Luna, you can't keep pushing us away forever.

"Yea but i can try."

I got up and left. That conversation makes me boil. I don't want a therapist. It was way easier keeping all my emotions inside of me. This way no ones hurt.
It's been an hour since dinner and i have already took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth. I was laying in my bed watching netflix until i got a knock on my door.

"Go away."

Instead they didn't listen and came in. Great.

Daniel: "Hey, listen i know you probably want to be left alone but i wanted to check on you.

"I'm doing fine dad."

Daniel: Your not fine and i know it Luna. You have all these feelings inside of you that you aren't letting out.

"Yea, and this way i'm not an asshole so i think it works."

Daniel: Luna, your not an asshole.

"I am, I don't show it but i am. Come on don't be dumb, You see the way i look at people. You see the way people look at me. That's why i don't have friends, I'm just a freak."

Daniel: Your not a freak Luna-

"Get out."

Daniel: Luna.

"I said get the fuck out!"

His eyes widen at me. I just give him a death stare letting him know i'm serious. He leaves my room. Honestly i wished he would of just stayed and told me that he's here for me and he's never going to leave. But obviously he can't read minds, And obviously he doesn't know me.

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now