Fuck it

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     After my dad barged in Sensei made us work out with no breaks to find out who trashed the dojo. Sensei had to go somewhere so Kreese gave us a 2 Minute water break finally. I see hawk go and talk to Kreese and i wonder if hawk had something to do with what happened. I see Kreese walk over to me.

Kreese: "After class i want to do 1 on 1 training you down for that."

"Yeah sure."

Sensei Kreese gathered us in a circle where people would fight 1 on 1 i went first with Tory.
She threw a bunch and i blocked it taking her arm twisting it and dropping her on the floor.

Kreese: "Finish her"


I look at him confused.

Kreese: "You heard me clearly, finish her."

I look at Tory and as she got up i tripped her making her fall again.

Miguel: "Wait! this isnt what sensei lawrence been teaching us."

Kreese: "Excuse me"

Miguel: "Theres no honor in being merciless Luna scored a point, its over."

I looked at miguel, he thought i would smile at him but i kept my resting bitch face.

Kreese: " sensei Lawrence is right of course, in a tournament the fighting stops when you land a point. But in the real world it's not about scoring points it's about being a winner or loser and there are no losers in this dojo."

Im a winner not a loser.
I haven't seen or talked to my family in a while i decided to go home and act like i love my family.

"Hey dad, hey mom."

They look at me surprised i even came home.

Daniel: "Wait"

I stop just as i was about to go up the stairs i turn around to see what my dad has to say but then i see all the kids who left cobra kai to come here.


I run towards outside to confront them.

"I hope you pussys learn how to fight real good because ill take your ass down."

Daniel: "Luna stop, these are my students now whether you like it or not. If you dont like it then leave."

"fuck this."
I went up to my room and did some ab work trying to get that 4 pack. I hear a knock and of course it was my dad.

"what do you want.."

Daniel: "Im sorry that i blew up like that at cobra kai while you were there."

"Thats not even what im mad about."

Daniel: "Then what can you be mad about, i let you have your freedom i pay for your cobra kai classes what can you be so mad about?"

"I dont know maybe the fact that you dont give a shit about me."

"We havent spoked for days i never got a call or a text, i understand that im a very difficult person to deal with but I've held these feelings for so long that i feel like ima explode."

Daniel: "We just try to give you your space of course we care about you"

"Not as much as you care about Sam. Sams always the perfect child, good grades, hot boyfriends, girly clothing. I don't belong here dad."

Daniel: "Just because your different doesnt mean you don't belong."

"Yeah but it means im the dick head that is a fucking retard."

Daniel: "Luna your not a"

"Just get the fuck out i don't fucking care anymore. Being at cobra kai is gonna make me proud of who i am you'll see."

I walked out of my own room cause he wouldnt leave. I decided to walk to hawks house since he is like my best friend and he lives close.

"Hey thanks for letting me come over"

Hawk: "No problem your always allowed over here, whats the problem this time?"

"Just my dad, he doesnt understand."

Hawk: "Do you understand?"

"No thats what makes it worse i dont even understand how i feel. I just want life to be better you know?"

Hawk: "Yeah i get that feeling a lot. I just kind if forget about how i have such a shitty life and i have fun."

"You have fun?"

Hawk: "Yeah."

"I don't even think i know how to have fun im a total reject."

Hawk: "Just put yourself out there and if you catch yourself thinking about something just say fuck it and do it."

"Alright i think i can do that..........."

I look at Hawk and he looks at me we lock eyes for what feels like forever.

"Fuck it."

We lock lips i don't know how i feel. I mean i like hawk and yes i want him to be my boyfriend but im scared cause he's also my best friend, maybe if i push my feelings away i could keep this. Im the first to pull away.

"oh god im so sorry i didnt mean to."

Hawk: "No your alright i mean you took my advice."

He started to laugh and i laughed to.

"Lets stay being friends don't want to make anything to complicated right?"

Hawk: "Yeah no totally....."

"Im going to take a shower than go to bed so ill see you in the morning."

I went to the bathroom and i never wanted to come out i feel so embarrassed. I really hope that i will be able to push these feelings away. Im not good at stuff like this i tend to fuck everything up.

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now