The tournament

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So we crashed Yasmines party and invited like a lot of people, half of the people that came i didn't even know. I never talked to anyone in school but i knew who everyone was so this was a shocker. I thought that i needed to be a teenager for at least one night so i grabbed some beer.....Ok i grabbed like 5 or 4 beers i stopped counting at 3. I was pretty drunk but i was sober enough to know what was happening. A little bit later i see yasmine arrived with Kyler, Moon, and a couple other people. Kyler decided to leave and yasmine and moon stayed. Miguel would not stop asking me questions about Sam since she wasn't answering his messages. I don't even talk to Sam so i don't know anything, so i was no help. But moon and hawk been flirting all night and it's pissing me off? I don't know why it's making me mad cause i don't like hawk but it's just weird because she was just bullying him like not even a week ago. I went to grab another beer and i could see miguel was drunk drunk. understandable. I grabbed the last beer and i could tell miguel was angry at me for grabbing it so i just gave it to him. Probably not the best choice since he was super drunk. But i was talking to Aisha and a couple of other people from cobra kai and i saw moon a hawk making out? WTF. This girl was just bullying him a week ago. I swear to god. But i just decided to ignore it, it's not my business anyway.
I was talking to Aisha, Hawk, and moon for a bit. Moons not that bad. But i just kept staring at her the whole time cause i can't get over how pretty she is. I've always had feelings for girls but i never had a relationship with a girl before because 1. that means i have to explain to my parents 2. nobody talks to me at all. I saw that Yasmine started to come over to where we were at.

Yasmine: "Hey! you think it's funny crashing my party?"

Aisha: "It's not really your party cause we were here first."


Yasmine: "Yeah well i know you and your little karate gang think you're cool, but we all remember who you really are."

"And what's that."

She looked at me like she was going to kill me and i just gave her the same look back. I was tired of this bitch.

Yasmine: "A fugly bitch and your friends are all freaks, come on moon let's go."

Moon: "No im staying, i apologized to Aisha for what we did and you should too."

Yasmine: "Whatever, you deserve them moon."

Yasmine started to walk away then she pushed me. I was going to say something but this was Aisha's fight.

Aisha: "Hey yasmine!"

Yasmine: "Huh what?"

Aisha "Let me help you to your car."

Aisha grabbed her underwear from her shorts and my jaw dropped. Aisha was more badass then i thought.

Aisha: "No mercy bitch!"

Aisha dropped her and yasmine fell to the ground and everyone started to laugh. I would feel bad but i'm a bitch so.
15 minutes later i see that sam finally got to the party, and she brought a friend. Robby, never really talked to him but i knew he was doing karate with my dad. I saw that it was getting pretty intense but i just ignore it. Until i saw miguel push robby, then robby pushed miguel back. Then miguel went to push robby then accidentally pushed Sam. I ran over there.

Sam: Wtf! miguel!

Miguel: "I'm sorry sam i-"

Sam: "My dad was right about cobra kai."

I just stood there looking at her. I cant believe she would say that. She knew i was in cobra kai. She looked at me with a regret face.

Sam: Luna i-

Luna LarussoWhere stories live. Discover now