Karmas a bitch

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The next day we had a victory party and went to eat at a restaurant with our team. Aisha was filming us. I sat near the window with hawk next to me and moon on the end.

Aisha: "Victory nachos!"

Everyone cheered that was around us not to loud though, we didn't want to get kicked out.

Aisha: "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling hawks fake ID."

Hawk:" Hey, don't talk about that, my parents follow you."

Aisha: "Sorry ms and mr Moskowitz, anyways until next time no mercy bitches!"

Aisha sat down and ended her live. Demetri started to pick up a nacho.

Demetri: "i gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party."

Hawk: "Yeah except you had nothing to do with the victory."

Hawk stole demetris nacho that he almost put in his mouth.

Demetri: "Well then i see it as a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp, remember? Demetri and eli binary brothers."

Demetri do this weird robot thing and it kinda made me cringe so i just started to look out the window. I could see hawk was freaking out cause he didn't want to be all nerdy in front of moon. Is he seriously forgetting she was bullying him like last week?

Moon: "Hey where's miguel these wings are getting cold?"

I decided to go look for miguel and hawk and aisha followed me i guess.

Hawk: "El serpiente, there you are."

Aisha: "This is how you celebrate a first place trophy?"

Miguel: "She blocked me."

I assume he was referring to sam. I honestly don't know what he saw in her to be honest.

Hawk: "So what happens when you get blocked? you counterpunch. Except maybe don't actually hit her this time."

He starts to laugh and i just give him a look and he stopped.

"what he's trying to say is don't give up. just give her time she will come around."

Hawk: "Yeah but your the champ now you can get any chick in the valley you want, You're like dark enjoy it."

Hawk and aisha left me and miguel.

Miguel: "Im not sure if i want to be drake."

"Don't worry, your not."

I looked at him and started to laugh just a bit and he cracked a smile.
It was the next day and it's the first day back in the dojo. Kinda pumped kinda scared kinda confident. I know for a fact new kids are gonna be at the dojo. I wanna make a good impression, but not to good. I warmed up and i could see this place was busted. Something definitely happened in here. I saw that miguel and hawk entered and they came over to me.
They were about to talk but.

Sensei: "QUIET! no new students today."

?: We wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament."

Sensei: "Do i need to say it again? Get out."

?: "Yes sir.....sensei!"

Sensei: "Let's go move it come back tomorrow. Bring your check books, Everyone fall in."

Hawk: "Must of been a racer sensei."

Miguel: "Yeah we're you celebrating all weekend?"

Sensei: "Celebrating what? my students are a bunch of pussies."

Oh shit.

Sensei: "Diaz, Hawk, Larusso. Up front."

We all walked up front and turned to face the other students.

Sensei: "Hawk did you attack your opponent when his back was turned."

Hawk: "Yes sensei?"

Sensei: "Diaz did you purposely attack your opponents injury?"

Miguel: Yes sensei."

Sensei: "Larusso, you talked shit to another kid just to make him mad, then just to get you punched 15 times and disqualified."


Sensei: "Do you feel you would of won the tournament if you weren't disqualified."


Miguel looked at me i didn't look at his face so i couldn't tell what his emotions were but i'm sure he wasn't happy i said that.

Sensei: "Miguel and Luna on the matt. Everyone make a circle."

Me and miguel walk up to the matt. I was kinda nervous cause sensei looked pissed.

Sensei: "Fight."

I look at miguel and i see he was kinda pissed off.

Sensei: "What are you waiting for? FIGHT!"

Me and Miguel ran at eachother he threw a punch to my jaw but i grabbed it before he could even try. I turn around and took his hand over my back causing him to flip on the ground. Once he was on the ground i grabbed his arm pushed him over to were he was on his stomach and i held his arm above him to were he couldn't move.

"Karmas a bitch."

I whispered into his ear. I was happy cobra kai won. But sensei is right they played dirty. The whole practice was kinda silent after that. After we were done i could see that miguel would avoid talking to me, i guess he's madder than i thought. Sensei asked me if i could go to the store with him to help him buy and mirror and to get it on the wall. I had nothing else to do so i agreed.
We got to the store sensei was talking to a guy and i was just looking around blocking the world out. Until i heard a familiar voice? Like my dads? The guy came back and told sensei to walk out. So we both stepped forward. My dad was with robby and i was with johnny. What a small world.

?: "Woah! Daniel larusso! Slicing prices! I love that commercial. I love karate to i mean i never got to do it. My mom wouldn't let me so...."

This is getting awkward.

?: "Hey you look just like him is this your son?"

Robby doesn't look like dad at all what the hell?

Sensei: "Hey man can you give us a minute."

The guy finally left he was annoying, while robby and johnny talked, me and dad talked.
I started to wonder why johnny wanted to talk to robby and why it was so intense now i thought what makes perfect sense. Robby is johnnys son he had to be.

Dad: "So how's cobra kai."


Dad: "Miyagi do is always a home for you."

"No. Miyagi do is actually the opposite dad. I don't feel comfortable around you, or sam, or mom. Have you ever thought maybe the problem isn't actually me it's you."

Dad: "Me and your mother try to be there for you Luna but you just push us away and then blame us for not being there for you?"

"Well i'm weird, you already know that."

Dad: "Your not weird Luna."

"I am."

It was kinda silent after that.

Dad: "I don't care who you talk to luna just please talk to someone. Everything that's fueled up inside you, you have to let go."

"I cant."

He looks at me just with a sad disappointed look. I feel ashamed about how worse of a person i am than i thought i could be.
Me and johnny fixed the wall and put the new mirror on the wall. After that i pretty much just went home. I took a shower and then i laid on my bed looking at the ceiling knowing that this was just the beginning.

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